And now to the final part of my big JC retrospective... and the tail end of his carer that isn't terribly impressive, a fine director running out of steam...

Village Of The Damned... seen it two or three times, yet still remember very little about it. Utterly nothing about it sticks in my memory. Perhaps I should watch it again? Or perhaps just regard it as a 'somewhat nothing' movie that I'd rather forget from a director I loved?
Well, I wish I could forget 'Escape From LA'. A movie I utterly and absolutely hate! I remember going to the cinema, on opening night, SO excited at seeing Snake back on the big screen, one of my favourite movie characters returning after so many years... and within thirty minutes I was utterly depressed. Yes, the SFX were dreadful, but many were in the 90's. I just hated the dreary rehashed storyline, the utter lethargy of everyone 'going through the motions', the way it made little sense... there are only two things I liked about it. The 'rocked-up' version of the awesome theme tune and the funny 'Bangkok Rules' scene (which was in the trailer)... Deffo the bottom of the barrel as far as Mr Carpenter is concerned, IMHO. This film is utterly shithouse.
Then we got 'Vampires' which I rewatched recently, and it's pretty decent, one of his better later flicks. Mind you, after EFLA, he could have directed furniture commercials with a local celebrity and they'd have been more involving... Vampires is surprisingly nasty and with some fine actors, not nearly as good as 'the classics' but something like 'a return to something like form...'
See also 'Ghosts Of Mars', I could post the exact same comment, but the sentiments still stand... a decent enough flick but compared to the old stuff, meh.
And as to his last directorial effort (to date) 'The Ward'.... just unimaginative and I wouldn't be arsed to watch it again.
Thanks to everyone in this great community for trudging through my thoughts. I'll leave you with a great 50 minute John Carpenter live concert...