Well, i do think we had Aja here before. I think Ghosttrain also got a taste of "Haute Tension" while we were writing about it.
But the man has some craft! I haven't seen Crawl and Horns yet, but good to be reminded of those films, will check them out.
I received The Witch (did i beat you Ghosttrain?;-), think i'm going to see that today, kind of hanging around today, skipped work, pretended to be sick, had too much headbrainfkc the last days, need some time out.
I t seems that the french have their special relationship and love for cinema going well in corona times. Very good move to show good old films. Here in germany, they all fear to go down, because of the lack of movies being released on top of the restrictions, but they could do it like the french. Show movies!
And Master Ray..you're not alone weeping like a girl when cheesy stuff is on the telly..for me it just needs a fake heartbreaking story of a child or tragic relationship or sad moments, combined with some sader synthie music and although i don't even likme the characters, i will cry like a baby;-)
The Stalker thing...well, i've seen that movie only once years ago and always wanted to see it again. That means i've got it right here on dvd, but the almost 3h of a russian language movie...kind of a hard decision to make to watch it. I need someone who would also go for it, to share that experience..
I had that falling asleep thing with AKIRA (did you know that the movie is placed in 2019? kind of creepy regarding the story..) i always fell asleep before the end, in those times it kind of just was too much to proceed for my brain. the animation is overwhelming, my brain shut itself of;-)