Well, tonight I went to the first none NMA gig I have been to for a very long time. It was --
Buzzcocks on their 40,Th anniversary tour at Rock City.
More for Ange than for myself. When I first met her 26 years ago, she had "Buzzcocks" painted at the back of her leather jacket.
They can still well and truly play. Their drummer was absolutely top end.They sounded great and true to form. Played lots of classics. Songs I had not heard before were still good and full of energy and sounded like the Buzzcocks should. Did one Encore which included the must-have "Ever fallen in love" . Pete Shelley bless him, looks completely different now. Only thing I was uncomfortable with, they did not pause between songs, they went from one to another. I prefer the NMA way of one finishes, then one begins.
Crowd was very much mid 40's to mid 50's. Long time since I have been in a group and felt young. A good gig, Ange was very happy with it and danced a lot. I would say from my point of view the major difference for me was the sense of belonging I feel when in the crowd at an NMA gig I did not get there. -- And at an NMA gig that is one of the most ingratiating things.