I saw The Eagles at the O2 Arena on Monday night. I grew up listening to their music as they're my parents' favourite band, and therefore I have loved them since I was about 10 years old and probably before that, I just didn't know it yet.
Sure, it was a massive arena tour, my ticket was expensive, there were massive queues for the bars and the loos, but it was ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT.
Those blokes could teach men half their age a thing or two (as could NMA, obviously!!). This is supposed to be their very last tour, and it's the first time I got the chance to see them live. No "paying the mortgage" tour, and not a sad echo of what they once were - simply brilliant musicians with great stories and terrific tunes.
I loved it so much I've managed to grab myself another ticket for their Friday night show. I just couldn't let that be the first and last time I ever got to see them live. My wallet isn't thanking me, but I certainly won't lie awake at night disappointed that I DID go!
Bring on Friday!