So it was here for me yesterday afternoon when I got back from Archery.
First listen through and although pretty good and still NMA not really that many grab you moments. To be honest going back in for a second listen there wasn’t a stand out track I was waiting for. Then off for a dog walk and I found myself humming and singing little snippets. I thought that was a good sign. Third time through while cooking dinner after which was still a bit underwhelmed but those snippets started getting bigger and more frequent during the evening. Conclusion at bedtime was that yeah it’s ok and tomorrow a proper blasting listen in the car down to Bexhill (which, handily enough, is about an hour’s drive).
There and back again is 2 listen thru’s at massive volume and another one now while writing this and it's a different beast. ******* hell but this is an epic album. The layers, textures and sounds swirling around in here are awesome. Great sweeping vistas that if filmed would be some classic “Filmed In Panavision” Western through to small-scale stories of the personal. And music wise? Pounding Rhythms, Psychedelic Wigouts, Metal Moments, Soundscapes and gentle chill-outs it’s all in there somewhere.
I’m no walking muso-encyclopedia, I don’t know enough references and I don’t know how you would describe this album but in no particular order the music I’ve heard echoes of in here be it sound or feel are: NMA, Florence & The Machine, The Doors, Gary Numan, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Pink Floyd, Fields Of The Nephilim, Ozric Tentacles, Pearl Jam, Sisters Of Mercy, Adam & The Ants, Metallica and something orchestral/symphonic I can’t quite put my finger on and it’s pissing me off that I can’t. And I can’t tell you something else it sounds like.
Lyrically and theme wise I think there are familiar things in here. Family life, moving-on, love, frustration, anger and fear of the future but they’re wider and older. Besides, there’s more to find in here than that. In terms of Albums: A mix of Carnival, Navigating By The Stars and Thunder & Consolation is, I think, the best that I can do. It is also ******* brilliant.
I so didn’t want to come here and sound all fawning and gushing but I really am loving this album. I’m not hearing a weak track and it is so well done. There’s definitely “pit songs” and there’s “Eyes Closed Lose” yourself songs. Brighton? Bring It On…Bring It On…. Bring It On….
p.s. Sorry if, again, I’ve indulged my tendency to dribble on when a few words will do.