Author Topic: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!  (Read 12176 times)


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2013, 08:07:24 PM »
I have read every comment and it's killing me. I have not got my copy yet!!!

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #46 on: September 22, 2013, 10:05:48 PM »
So it was here for me yesterday afternoon when I got back from Archery.
First listen through and although pretty good and still NMA not really that many grab you moments. To be honest going back in for a second listen there wasn’t a stand out track I was waiting for. Then off for a dog walk and I found myself humming and singing little snippets.  I thought that was a good sign. Third time through while cooking dinner after which was still a bit underwhelmed but those snippets started getting bigger and more frequent during the evening. Conclusion at bedtime was that yeah it’s ok and tomorrow a proper blasting listen in the car down to Bexhill (which, handily enough, is about an hour’s drive).
There and back again is 2 listen thru’s at massive volume and another one now while writing this and it's a different beast. ******* hell but this is an epic album. The layers, textures and sounds swirling around in here are awesome. Great sweeping vistas that if filmed would be some classic “Filmed In Panavision” Western through to small-scale stories of the personal. And music wise? Pounding Rhythms, Psychedelic Wigouts, Metal Moments, Soundscapes and gentle chill-outs it’s all in there somewhere.
I’m no walking muso-encyclopedia, I don’t know enough references and I don’t know how you would describe this album but in no particular order the music I’ve heard echoes of in here be it sound or feel are: NMA, Florence & The Machine, The Doors, Gary Numan, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Pink Floyd, Fields Of The Nephilim, Ozric Tentacles, Pearl Jam, Sisters Of Mercy, Adam & The Ants, Metallica and something orchestral/symphonic  I can’t quite put my finger on and it’s pissing me off that I can’t. And I can’t tell you something else it sounds like.
Lyrically and theme wise I think there are familiar things in here. Family life, moving-on, love, frustration, anger and fear of the future but they’re wider and older. Besides, there’s more to find in here than that. In terms of Albums: A mix of Carnival, Navigating By The Stars and Thunder & Consolation is, I think, the best that I can do. It is also ******* brilliant.
I so didn’t want to come here and sound all fawning and gushing but I really am loving this album. I’m not hearing a weak track and it is so well done. There’s definitely “pit songs” and there’s “Eyes Closed Lose” yourself songs. Brighton? Bring It On…Bring It On…. Bring It On….
p.s. Sorry if, again, I’ve indulged my tendency to dribble on when a few words will do.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2013, 12:04:35 AM »
I've put far more than my two pennyworth in here already, but I keep finding different things here that I like. "Lean Back and Fall" has more passion and such a vocal intensity. Each time I listen, I hear something I didn't quite get last time. Dark Side of the Moon is supposed to be Wizard of Oz to music. This is a spaghetti western or No Country for Old Men or Alien. It creates a n atmosphere and sustains s it for the duration. I have been here since Vengeance. Only my opinion, but this is their best album.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2013, 12:39:38 AM »
Can I just say that the comments I'm reading make me so bloody proud to be part of this forum?

I'm active on a lot of forums (mostly movie-related... I'm a huge film geek) and, quite often, if you say something that doesn't agree with someone elses view, you're likely to get a torrent of f-bombs and c-words and possibly dispariging comments about your mother...

Here, everyone respects everyone elses viewpoint and comes back with a calm, reasonable response.   ;)

With that in mind, and despite your varying opinions, I hope you'll all still be coming to the November dates because even if you don't like a song in its recorded version, sometimes they truly come to life when put on a stage.  Example... I wasn't all that keen on 'Mambo Queen...' when I heard it on the CD, but on the TIAGD tour, it blew me away.

Anyway, I raise an Internet glass, full of whatever your favourite tipple is, to all you fellow Forum-ites!

Wholeheartedly agree with you, Master Ray.  Will see you In Buckley, Manchester and Bilston next month and Nottingham in December!

Okay, so this album hasn't done it for me so far, but NMA are still NMA and that's one thing that will never lose its' appeal for me.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2013, 08:02:49 AM »
I also recall JS saying once that cars were made for listening to music in while driving

JS is right, I played again the album last night while driving in my car and it really "did" it for me.
The mood was perfect, it evokes lots of its best the album is a great ride, quite hypnotic ( "I need more time", "Did you make it safe?", "Qasr Nil Bridge", "Pull the sun"), the "sound design" is really ace, very surrounding aural cinematic landscape, one of the best production for a NMA recording...there are 2 or 3 songs that are a bit less effective than others, but overall i think that it is a very good, solid album.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 08:18:43 AM by Guillaume »


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2013, 08:11:40 AM »
For me, BDAW is an immense album, it is easily up there as one of my favourites.

At first I was very nervous about what it would be following the comments that it was going to be something different and not rock band in a room.

First listen and I had it on pretty loud in the car, both me and my girlfriend had immediate reservations about some of the tracks, I particularly struggled with the hammered dulcimer 'twangs' at the start of  the track 'BDAW' as it reminded me of an old clock my Gran used to have! I then had the chance to listen to it twice through headphones on a return train journey that lasted an hour each way (handy)  ;) Put simply, it blew me away. I have not been so excited by and instantly immersed in an album for a very long time. I heartily recommend playing it through headphones, the superb production and quality of musicianship shine out.

Listened to some of it again on the bus this morning, headphones in and volume cranked up, it gets better with every listen.

Superb work by all involved, something they are no doubt hugely proud of.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2013, 08:38:56 AM »
Very different, but also what I expected........
Some of the songs have an air of "desert songs" about them, which is what the talented Mr sullivan had intended as a follow to Navigating By The stars. Not sure if they are the same ideas or not? Either way some really interesting stuff. I can see it being hard to translate into live versions on some tracks aswell. Not all, but some.
So far Kneivel, Stormclouds, Pull The Sun and Between Dog And Wolf itself stand out....... No doubt that'll change, though Kneivel has such pull I think it'll stay in my psyche like Marrakesh has from the first listen.....
Basically it is everything that was described, big, original, uncompromising, typical-atypical NEW MODEL ARMY......
it's why we love them isn't it?
More guitars and a an out n out blaster maybe would've got it over the 9 out 10 rating........ But I'm a Les Paul/amp on 11 through a 4 x 12" cabinet kinda guy......  ;D
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2013, 12:26:22 PM »
I do like the drumming. Some passages reminded me of Red Earth, but perhaps that's exactly where the feeling of "something is missing" comes from. That song built up a kind of dynamic that I instantly loved.

Think this is a similar sentiment to mine (if I'm reading it correctly).  Some of the songs on BDAW could have shot straight into my all-time NMA Top 10 list (constantly changing list though it is) if they'd reached that climatic 'top-gear', but instead it does feel as though they are holding back a little.  Lots of foreplay without the mind-blowing climax?  :o

That said, did enjoy listening to it throughout the afternoon yesterday and definitely one to be listened to on headphones or in the car at an appreciable volume.  The lyrics are typical Justin, and the actual music is technically very, very good.  Looking forward to hearing some of the tracks (Stormclouds, Qasr El Nil Bridge, and BDAW in particular) at the live gigs.  They might come into their own then.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2013, 01:10:14 PM »
I absolutely LOVE it. I'm currently only on my third listen, but it has been totally immediate for me.

This album has reached in, grabbed my heart, and given it a good squeeze. I think it's absolutely epic, and I can't wait to get to know it more and more.

I can understand why some people don't like it - and in fact, the "difficult" albums that divide fans are often the ones I love the most. But, for me, this is right up there with their best.

It seems to distill so many things they've done in the past, combine them, and take it all up another level. Really adventurous, musically, with beautiful lyrics and cracking good tunes.

I'm excited about this one. I think there will be some cracking live tunes, too - I'd be surprised if Stormclouds isn't one of them.  :)

Really interesting to read everyone else's opinions, too.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2013, 02:05:42 PM »
I do like the drumming. Some passages reminded me of Red Earth, but perhaps that's exactly where the feeling of "something is missing" comes from. That song built up a kind of dynamic that I instantly loved.

Think this is a similar sentiment to mine (if I'm reading it correctly).  Some of the songs on BDAW could have shot straight into my all-time NMA Top 10 list (constantly changing list though it is) if they'd reached that climatic 'top-gear', but instead it does feel as though they are holding back a little.  Lots of foreplay without the mind-blowing climax?  :o

"I need more time"??
This one has a brillant build up to an explosive climax, IMO...also the ending of "Qasr el Nil bridge" is unexpected.

It seems to distill so many things they've done in the past, combine them, and take it all up another level. Really adventurous, musically fact the adventurous side makes most of the sound of others albums "thin", small and minimalist somewhat...especially the 2/3 first NMA albums!
"Between dog and wolf" is a bit to "Today is a good day' and others last NMA albums what "Thunder and consolation" was against the early "punk"'s richer in moods, textures, a more dense, wide sound.
I guess that next NMA album will be more minimalist, i don't know if the drum orientated soundtrack feel of the last album can work twice! ;)
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 02:11:30 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #55 on: September 23, 2013, 02:17:16 PM »
Totally agree about listening in the car at full volume.First listen was on a laptop(Not a good idea but I couldn't wait)reading the lyrics as it played.Nothing immediately blew me away,but I've learned that sometimes the songs that don't do it first time,end up being my favourites.Fast forward to today,driving.WOW.loved it.Still some tracks a bit iffy but only played it 3 times.Found myself missing the first 3 tracks to get at the REALLY new stuff.Really love Knievel,Qasr el nil bridge and Tomorrow came but for me the title track had me out in goosebumps.I'm sure after more listens the rest will fall into place.As the man says"I need more time" :)Time for another spin in the car ;D
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #56 on: September 23, 2013, 06:11:46 PM »
Totally agree about listening in the car at full volume.First listen was on a laptop(Not a good idea but I couldn't wait)reading the lyrics as it played.Nothing immediately blew me away,but I've learned that sometimes the songs that don't do it first time,end up being my favourites.Fast forward to today,driving.WOW.loved it.Still some tracks a bit iffy but only played it 3 times.Found myself missing the first 3 tracks to get at the REALLY new stuff.Really love Knievel,Qasr el nil bridge and Tomorrow came but for me the title track had me out in goosebumps.I'm sure after more listens the rest will fall into place.As the man says"I need more time" :)Time for another spin in the car ;D

right, well I did what I said and played it extremely loud on the way into work and extremely f***ing louder on the way home from work (part of the way with the windows down to treat the unbeknowing public!

Getting there, I think Storm Clouds and BDAW will translate well live as will, as I suspect Tomorrow Came and I Need More Time. It is a very well recorded album although despite the quite epic multi layered drum tracks, I was dying for Marshall to let rip the entire way through.

Live, when they play some of the aforementioned he can and will so it will be a different proposition I'm sure.

Brilliant lyrics as ever from JS but the production for me does hold back a bit. Some of the songs feel like a development of some of the directions Carnival and Eight hinted at. But what I always liked about songs like Flying Through the Smoke, Red Earth and Carlisle Road is the guitar did let rip in a nice controlled finale sort of way, lacking here by and large.

The drum production did cause a pleasing vibration of the door units and rear view mirror (never replaced properly after a chipped windscreen)!

So it's all good here, I am much happier NMA bunny than I was on Saturday and looking forward to two of the southern leg dates in just under two months time.

This does feel like a NBTS sequel, almost like a film score in parts. As Stoney said, we love the band cos they don't do things conventionally, never have and hopefully never will.

Can't wait to see how they arrange some of the quieter ones and await Knievel live (hankies and all by the sounds of this thread, what a sight that will make..) and would love to hear Summer Moors on the road with the acoustic guitar further up in the mix.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #57 on: September 23, 2013, 07:43:16 PM »
******* hell but this is an epic album. The layers, textures and sounds swirling around in here are awesome. Great sweeping vistas that if filmed would be some classic “Filmed In Panavision” Western through to small-scale stories of the personal. And music wise? Pounding Rhythms, Psychedelic Wigouts, Metal Moments, Soundscapes and gentle chill-outs it’s all in there somewhere.
Yep that film theme - I keep thinking Pink Floyd The Wall but without the linked life history storyline. It's that epic/film script thang going on. There is mosh material in there. And the drums... the drums...
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #58 on: September 23, 2013, 10:05:17 PM »
As a very long-time fan (since '87) I always have to make a conscious effort to separate the different "periods" of the band so as not to poison my expectations of any new material. It’s hard to believe The Love of Hopeless Causes, Strange Brotherhood and even Thunder and Consolation all had to “grow” on me when I consider what timeless masterpieces they all are to me now. That is part of their charm though. NMA, in whatever form, is never predictable.

As for this new album, it is slowly growing on me. As always Justin's lyrics are top-notch (but is he capable of writing bad lyrics?). I do enjoy the atmosphere of the new drumming elements. Not many of the songs "grab" me much at first listen as far as strong melodies (which I gravitate towards) but there are very nice subtle elements that I enjoy. As an American who grew up in the '70s, seeing the title "Knievel" worried me a bit. I thought to myself "this CANNOT be about Evel Knievel...maybe it is some small English village I never heard of?" haha. However, the music is beautiful and the line "Did they come to see a man fall or to see him fly?" is probably one of the most profound things Justin has ever written. Of course this is about much more than the daredevil I grew up with as a hero. ;-)

The diversity of fans and their opinions never ceases to amaze me either. The ONE song that immediately grabbed me was "Lean Back and Fall" which seems to NOT be a fan favorite at all judging by several other posts I read. I just love his voice on this and it reminds me more of "old" NMA than any other song in recent years.

Admittedly, I will always miss those "lead" bass lines from the early albums and of course Rob's very unique drumming, but I always have those albums to listen to and as a songwriter myself, I understand the need to grow and change over time. So, kudos to the guys for never repeating themselves and for creating yet another unique and interesting chapter to add to their great musical legacy.

As others have said, I need about 100 more listens to form a true opinion, so I'll likely post again after this music has a chance to sink in a bit more.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #59 on: September 23, 2013, 10:36:25 PM »
The first listen was alone and uninterrupted, I got lost in it and loved it. It needs that I think. That's a general opinion. There are some classics on there, there are some fantastic lyrics and stories too. I can understand why for a lot of people that this album is going to be a slow burning 'grower' I suppose where your starting point in music is important and what you are 'into' For me it's perfect, thoughtful, melodic and haunting.
It is going to be interesting to hear some of these song live on the tour and how they work and that's the key point, it's interesting, it's changing and evolving. That's what makes this band stand out.
It's far too early for a definite breakdown and opinion of each song for me, time will tell. But I am being carried along by it, taking the journey and enjoying each step. That is what makes music, especially NMA fun.
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