Still listening to the album in the car (40 minutes each way to the office), and on my MP3 player a fair bit, including today on the train today, arguably the best place to listen to music on headphones and let yourself drift away...
Anyway, my initial opinions on the album haven't changed. It's still a very good album, with some excellent songs. still isn't blowing my socks off.
Now I've listened through it plenty of times here are my thoughts on the individual songs:
Horsemen - love the drums, but the song doesn't get going. It's like a long intro. It threatens to kick-off at one stage, but then retreats back into its shell.
March in September - feels like a song I've known for ages after hearing it a handful of times at gigs over the last year. Love the bass on this one, and it's a great catchy tune that works live as well.
Seven Times - another one that feels familiar from being played at gigs before the album was released. This is definitely one of the songs on the album that feels right to me.
Did You Make it Safe? - great drums on this one, and overall a very good track. Still feel it could have been taken up a notch to make it a great song.
I Need More Time - The start of this song reminds me a lot of Red Earth and Another Imperial Day, bubbling under with a menace, and like them it builds to an ending..., but it's not powerful enough for me. Maybe live it will deliver and blow my socks off.
Pull the Sun - I like this one. Works well, and reckon it will be one that becomes a firm favourite without appearing to be anything 'special'. A strong track.
Lean Back and Fall - probably the weakest track for me on the album. It's OK, but doesn't really do it for me. There are a few on TIAGD that are the same for me.
Knievel - Seems to be a favourite for many, but it's just OK for me. Reminds me of my feelings towards 'High' - a track that others seem to love, but one that often signals an opportunity to go to the bar and get the drinks at a gig.
Stormclouds- the 'rockiest' track on the album. Could have been the 'States Radio' of this album (love that track and couldn't wait to hear it live when I first heard it on TIAGD - when I did, I was blown away). However, it doesn't quite make it into that category as it fails to reach the same heights. If only it had been given a 'storming' last minute or 30 seconds like we get with Ocean Rising. We might get that at the gigs though, so looking forward to it.
Between Dog and Wolf - Ridiculously catchy, and one I can't help sing throughout the day. Bluebeat on steroids for me
Qasr El Nil Bridge - the surprise package of the album, and probably the track that will cement itself as my favourite. The most 'epic' song on the album, and it wouldn't surprise me if this is the track that the band are the most proud of on the album. Definitely, looking foward to experiencing this one live as well.
Tomorrow Came - another good song, with some excellent parts, but another one that feels like it could have been let-loose a bit more and would have then delivered more for me.
Summer Moors - one to drift away to. A solid track, particularly good when on the train today, lost in my own thoughts and the lyrics.
Ghosts - not sure about this one to be honest. Close to being very good, but only manages good I think. I think it's another that simmers, but could have done with turning up a touch to boil over.
Overall, it's a solid 8.5/10, but I hoping for an 11/10

Really looking forward to hearing it live.