Author Topic: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!  (Read 12189 times)


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #105 on: September 26, 2013, 12:18:57 PM »
People seem to be as thrown by this album- I'd say keep listening to it and leave your expectations behind.
Folks were thrown off by T&C as well...
 I thought  TIAGD was brilliant-pure rock fury. This is a different animal and has a power all it's own.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #106 on: September 26, 2013, 02:05:36 PM »
@Master ray and @Shush

I admit my post was a bit rude and provocative for being posted on a NMA fans forum. Bitterness I guess. Or perhaps kinda of unconscious desire to be convinced I was wrong! I will probably finally buy the last one at least as a toast to the past. Last gig I saw was for the 30th anniversary when they played the old and beautiful songs. I'll see if I manage to go to the Paris gigs in December. It's hard to let down a band like that...  :-\

NB : anyway I have no FB account.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #107 on: September 26, 2013, 02:38:25 PM »
@Master ray and @Shush

NB : anyway I have no FB account.
  ;D, Good, stay here.

At least you are passionate about what you like. While we may disagree on the quality of NMA 2005 +, I agree with you on the quality of all the bands work of the past.

Do go the show in Paris, maybe it will rekindle you enthusiasm for the later material. Have you heard any of the live versions?, maybe you would prefer them. The songs maybe quiet on the album, but not so easy to keep them that way when playing live with Marshall on his guitar. 

Who knows, maybe this album and tour may end up with another live album  :)

A-lex, here are links to three live songs from the album in case you have not seen them already.

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #108 on: September 26, 2013, 06:32:30 PM »
@Master ray and @Shush

I admit my post was a bit rude and provocative for being posted on a NMA fans forum. Bitterness I guess. Or perhaps kinda of unconscious desire to be convinced I was wrong! I will probably finally buy the last one at least as a toast to the past. Last gig I saw was for the 30th anniversary when they played the old and beautiful songs. I'll see if I manage to go to the Paris gigs in December. It's hard to let down a band like that...  :-\

NB : anyway I have no FB account.

Again, apologies.  It wasn't a nice thing of me to say. I do get a bit wound up about things if I've had a few beers...  :-[

A very gracious response on your part... and I still hope you check the band out on their forthcoming tour. Even if you're still not keen on the new stuff, I'm sure there will be plenty of older classics plus a couple of surprises!

All the best.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #109 on: September 26, 2013, 06:51:17 PM »
I'm struggling with it. I wouldn't say I dislike it but I'm not loving it either. I struggled with No Rest For The Wicked (or at least when I heard the new tracks on a Janice Long session, before the album came out) I also struggled with Strange Brotherhood, it took me years to get get into that one. I love it now though and do find myself wondering why I had a problem with it. The new one though... :-\ Nothing really stands out to me (at the moment). Hoping a few more listens does the trick.
I do kinda feel like the child in The Emperor's New Clothes... :o
Tonight, as you stare at the ceiling again
With your lover turning away
Disappointment closing in
Like the walls... and you try...
You try to talk about love
And they put their arms around you
But you still feel all alone
Wonder why...


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #110 on: September 26, 2013, 07:34:46 PM »
Some interesting comments on here. I suppose you are always going to get a difference of opinion and people that don't particularly like the new album, i don't mind that at all as everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I can't give a professional review and comment on the musical talent and the feelings of the band at the time, nor can i analyse the drums and the bass and god know what else because i am not a musician nor a music critic.

All i know is that New Model Army have been in my life now since i was 11 and i could quite easily listen to any song  they have ever produced and be happy. This band has been there for me when times were good, and bad. I have to say it would not really matter to me what direction the band went in or what music they produced, my heart is with NMA and always will be.

Keep up the good work!!!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #111 on: September 26, 2013, 07:40:34 PM »
I'm struggling with it. I wouldn't say I dislike it but I'm not loving it either. I struggled with No Rest For The Wicked (or at least when I heard the new tracks on a Janice Long session, before the album came out) I also struggled with Strange Brotherhood, it took me years to get get into that one. I love it now though and do find myself wondering why I had a problem with it. The new one though... :-\ Nothing really stands out to me (at the moment). Hoping a few more listens does the trick.
I do kinda feel like the child in The Emperor's New Clothes... :o
it took me a good good few listens for it to get it's hooks into me, now I love it, i have the fortune to work from home so i got 2 or 3 listens in the morning then the afternoon, i think the initial problem is that there is no BIG sing along anthem type song on there during the first listens, but like that car advert states "power from a different place" - once you get that it clicks and you find it's full of big powerful songs


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #112 on: September 26, 2013, 09:34:52 PM »
Still listening to the album in the car (40 minutes each way to the office), and on my MP3 player a fair bit, including today on the train today, arguably the best place to listen to music on headphones and let yourself drift away...

Anyway, my initial opinions on the album haven't changed.  It's still a very good album, with some excellent songs. still isn't blowing my socks off. 

Now I've listened through it plenty of times here are my thoughts on the individual songs:

Horsemen - love the drums, but the song doesn't get going.  It's like a long intro.  It threatens to kick-off at one stage, but then retreats back into its shell.

March in September - feels like a song I've known for ages after hearing it a handful of times at gigs over the last year.  Love the bass on this one, and it's a great catchy tune that works live as well. 

Seven Times - another one that feels familiar from being played at gigs before the album was released.  This is definitely one of the songs on the album that feels right to me.

Did You Make it Safe? - great drums on this one, and overall a very good track.  Still feel it could have been taken up a notch to make it a great song.

I Need More Time
- The start of this song reminds me a lot of Red Earth and Another Imperial Day, bubbling under with a menace, and like them it builds to an ending..., but it's not powerful enough for me.  Maybe live it will deliver and blow my socks off.

Pull the Sun - I like this one.  Works well, and reckon it will be one that becomes a firm favourite without appearing to be anything 'special'.  A strong track.

Lean Back and Fall - probably the weakest track for me on the album.  It's OK, but doesn't really do it for me. There are a few on TIAGD that are the same for me.

Knievel - Seems to be a favourite for many, but it's just OK for me.  Reminds me of my feelings towards 'High' - a track that others seem to love, but one that often signals an opportunity to go to the bar and get the drinks at a gig.

Stormclouds- the 'rockiest' track on the album.  Could have been the 'States Radio' of this album (love that track and couldn't wait to hear it live when I first heard it on TIAGD - when I did, I was blown away).  However, it doesn't quite make it into that category as it fails to reach the same heights.  If only it had been given a 'storming' last minute or 30 seconds like we get with Ocean Rising.  We might get that at the gigs though, so looking forward to it.

Between Dog and Wolf - Ridiculously catchy, and one I can't help sing throughout the day.  Bluebeat on steroids for me :)

Qasr El Nil Bridge - the surprise package of the album, and probably the track that will cement itself as my favourite.  The most 'epic' song on the album, and it wouldn't surprise me if this is the track that the band are the most proud of on the album.  Definitely, looking foward to experiencing this one live as well.

Tomorrow Came - another good song, with some excellent parts, but another one that feels like it could have been let-loose a bit more and would have then delivered more for me.

Summer Moors
- one to drift away to.  A solid track, particularly good when on the train today, lost in my own thoughts and the lyrics.

Ghosts - not sure about this one to be honest.  Close to being very good, but only manages good I think.  I think it's another that simmers, but could have done with turning up a touch to boil over. 

Overall, it's a solid 8.5/10, but I hoping for an 11/10  ;)

Really looking forward to hearing it live.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #113 on: September 26, 2013, 09:42:25 PM »
Just listening to it on Spotify.

Yepp I agree with the people who are a bit discombobulated by it. I understand change and bands wanting to break out of their mode for a while. But I had a headache from a long day at work and the bloody 20 drummers is not doing it for me at all. (Was the producer a drummer...just asking?  ;)  )

Those who said it was a cross between Carnival (certainly their worst in my opinion) and NBTS (which was good) are spot on.

Apart from the songs already heard live I can't pick out any "holy shit" moments for first listen to the last two albums nearly every track was a holy shit moment!

Still its NMA one of my favourites so I'll download it (PAID for!!!!!!) and listen in the car tomorrow, some of the tracks on NBTS took more than one play to get into.

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #114 on: September 26, 2013, 11:21:07 PM »
Ok so, enough time in and now we’ve lived with it for a short while. Last post was instant hit but this is hopefully a bit more considered but ask me in a year or so. As some of you know I can get a bit wordy for my own good……………………. Be warned.

Horsemen – Pretty portentous and a statement of what’s coming up. Makes me think of a Bernard Cornwell book in the chapter before some big **** off battle. You know what’s coming down on us all but there’s nothing you can do about it. House Of Lannister is about to chuck all it’s big guns at ya’( for those who read GRRM or watch the telly show). Ain’t just drums – check the alarm clock?, in some places guitar and even more thru’ the whole thing those gospel voices. Check that wandering guitar/keys line as the bridge thing kicks in before the last verse.

March In September – Thankless task having family/tribe but if we don’t what we got at the end of it all? You gave them your own blood…. Haven’t I? Probably what would have been in the old days a single. Accessible. Maybe the most rock band in a room song on the album. Shades of dance music, pop and indie in here. Understand why this was the first official thing let out into the world.

Seven Times – We are what the gods have made us…Is that summing up where we have got to after all this time? Cain and Abel? Think they’ve been around before. Feels like this is almost a “school report” on where we got to. Incessant, repetitive and insistent. Guitar right up there much more than the recent live version might suggest.

Did You Make It Safe – Not quite got a handle yet. Is this about giving and giving, hoping to make things right but not being able to so the only option left is to leave? Drums, drums, drums…. And those repeated backing vocals……….

I Need More Time – Too Many Games of Too Many Kinds – Yeah then you get to the point where statistically there is less left than has gone before. And we said/did/promised stuff when we were younger. Tick Tock Tick Tock… Perfect and I really do need more time. What do those backing vocals say – Is it “Fire In The Hole”? That word incessant again, seems slow but this one ain’t. Then the swirly desperate ending with yes whisper it…. More guitars.

Pull The Sun – Love those backing vocals. This is full of stuff cleverly put together. Can’t hear it all at first but listen (check the echoed voice lines hidden deep down in here). Guitar for that lead in into the chorus thing. Yearning, regret and I don’t know what else. Atmospheric bass heavy start, German oompah band  sound buried right down in the back at the very start?. Maybe more “ballady” than anything else than anything so far. Some lovely chiming stuff in here.

Lean Back & Fall – Starts with the word Impossible: really is it? And if it is should that stop us trying? Black face, Black card yeah we all got them.  Dunno about this one contradictory because on one hand it’s saying why bother it’s a waste of time but then again is it? Feels like admiration for even trying to be better. Maybe it’s trust – puts me in mind of those management exercises when you have to fall back and people catch you- if only in the real world. Love.

Knieval – What it says on the tin. An interpretation of his life. Straightforward story song. Think this probably just fitted the “tone” of the album. Maybe put in there as a “breather”. Gorgeous.

Stormclouds – Now we’re talking. Got that “speed” feeling. There’s a line of shadows…. Could be good could be bad who the **** cares it’s there to be found out. Bring it on! And that ending? Lets go nuts! Quite probably my favourite on the whole album and I hope this fucker flies live.

Between Dog & Wolf – This is the dance song. Can’t help it this just makes me throw the arms and swing the hips like a nutter. Everything is how it feels – killer line. Take What You Want – again killer line cos’ we all do and there is ALWAYS that weird half light half dark time when things could go either way. Who knows where stuff ends up being? Me? I get that whole neither one or the other but something in between. And this bugger just cracks it.

Whatsit Bridge – intro is a film scene , then it sets up the story. To the chorus and a beautiful weaving and swaying in time to the song. Pace of the story picking up. Lovely lyrics about god and seeming to say yeah but that’s nothing to do with this. Listening and breathing and learning to read the wind – Classic JS so simple but universal yet something you’d never articulate yourself: true. Talk about swaying with the music- ******* awesome.

Tomorrow Never Comes – Feels like the 3rd part of 225 and Snellsmore Wood. Gone from We never asked for any of this to I won’t sit by and do nothing... to now ….it didn’t happen and we’re old so now our kids look at us wondering wtf happened. We’re already becoming what has already been – back to R&R for me. Pray god they’ll forgive us.

Summer Moods – So sad, but understanding at the same time. So much in love with her but it drew you away because for whatever reason it’s gone. Recognise that. Lost to the world? Aren’t we all at times? This one feels like catching up 25 years later with someone from T&C. Maybe someone left came back, left again,  came back, left…. But this time ain’t coming back. Dunno but I feel something deep and real.

Ghosts – Ghost Train part 2! Only now we’re not on the ride, we got off but so did those ghosts and they’ve stayed with us. Very haunting and a bookend to complement Horsemen from the start. End of this particular journey. So much left for the giving…… yeah I’m not dead just yet. Def sounds similar to Horsemen but a lot more reflective.

Overall? ******* love this. So much that echoes back from whats gone before but updated and told anew. Instantly NMA but so much new. Original post said I heard T&C – that confused me when I read it back but I think there is some revisiting of those people and updating the story 25 years later and in here somewhere is where those stories might have ended up. **** knows if that’s right But this ain’t no part 2. So much more than that. Someone above namechecked Echoes and I used that word in my first post. It fits. There are echoes of the last 35 years or whatever it is now. There’s echoes of all sorts of stuff in here. More than I know how to describe. Such early days yet tho’. Bet there is stuff I don’t like on here but I’m not there yet. Def not a “Water” on here. Sure this is all bollox but makes sense to me. Course I might drink and smoke too much…………………..
Whatever, thanks guys – one almighty awesome album.

Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #115 on: September 26, 2013, 11:51:20 PM »
I am there with it now and agree very much with the comments about how much it plays to some of the directions Carnival started to go in. I like that it's dark. I like that there are some real 'growers' on there, hooks into your brain. I Need More Time is going through my head as I type.

BDAW does have a touch of Bluebeat to it for sure. There is a lot of the Red Earths about Horsemen and others. The drums are almost too much in places but I love the disconcerting feel of the layered drum patterns, it's the bit that feels like the live shows for me. Summer Moors is a Green and Grey for the 20 teens. But without the rousing anthemic chorus. JS, like all of us, is mellowing with age. lol

I am starting to think that, like Strange Brotherhood, which I think took many of us a long time to love, this album is going to take time and effort in order to reveal it's full riches (sorry if I nicked that lock stock and two smoking off a comment someone posted earlier, but if they did say it, I agree with them).

I do love Horsemen and I think Seven Times is one of the finest singles NMA have ever produced that may not end up being a single given they don't seem to bother with them anymore.

So - lovin it! Not as instant as a MacDonalds, this is a feast of treasures to be savoured at leisure for a long time. Long may I not tire of it! It'll be a bloody long wait for the next album...
I'm crying out to the gods who couldn't care less - come and get me if ya can!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #116 on: September 27, 2013, 12:35:41 AM »

NMA is not Rod Stuart.

Thank F00k for that !!!
Now - That's not nice.  What if Rod reads this board?  Anyway, it just landed on my door and I'm listening now.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #117 on: September 27, 2013, 11:26:26 AM »
Hi Folks,
I've not posted much on here but have always been an avid reader. :)

My copy came yesterday and got a good airing last night whilst the family were out, I think it's a very good album which does get better with each play, as usual the artwork is top notch!
Fave tracks so far are Knievel(my overall favourite), Lean Back And Fall and the title track.
Looking forward to playing this much more over the coming weeks.

Just one other thing I shamefully admit to not seeing the band since 1991 :'( mainly due to following another band), hope to put that right this tour.
I went to all the Chippenham Goldiggers gigs and also remember a stunning gig at Brixton in 89.
Fave album - gotta be The Ghost of Cain(so far).
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #118 on: September 27, 2013, 11:48:48 AM »
Hi Gizzard, welcome to the forum ;)

Fave album - gotta be The Ghost of Cain(so far).

Same for me, just after the eternal "Thunder and consolation"...


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #119 on: September 27, 2013, 11:53:47 AM »
Hi Gizzard, welcome to the forum ;)

Fave album - gotta be The Ghost of Cain(so far).

Same for me, just after the eternal "Thunder and consolation"...

Thank you kind sir. ;)
Nothing ventured, nothing gained......