OG - my take
YG - daughter and her friends take
1st off, the new album, unfriggingbelievable! NMA do it yet again and release another #1 album in my book.
theres been some talk of sound, EQ and over all meaning and vibe ... i wont get into all of that because a lot of it is up to us as individuals to interrupt for ourselves.
OG- My take on it is this wonderful piece of sound is: if the Price ep, the Acoustic ep and the Ballads ep all some how mixed their sonic DNA and had a album baby, it would grow up to be Between Dog and Wolf.
YG - my daughter thinks is a great album and 5 of her friends agreed so much they went out to their local mom and pop shops this weekend and bought and or ordered copies. they range in age from 23-26. I'm hoping that gets back to the band proper in some sort of fashion, seems the youth of today might be ripe once again for some NMA.
Sonic issues. Ok if you bought the vinyl you wouldnt have any issue, mastering is spot on.
i think the cds is spot on also because the only stereo that can not take the bass the drums are pushing is my car. this is with the volume between 25-30 (goes up to 40) cant handle the bass the drummers are pushing too well, all i can hear is a bit of distorted vocals (from the bass (tone not instrument) waves) and drums. play the cds in my stereo at home and yes there is a lot of bass but thats one of the reason i fell in love with NMA back in like 84 or 85.
want great sound peeps i tell you dust off that old turn table (for us old gits) and buy the vinyl and relax into NMA bliss, wonderful mastering on the vinyl.
cant express how grateful i am to Justin and crew for producing another piece of wonderment and making the investment to share it with the rest of the world.
they could just be hanging out together these days writing and jamming and not putting out records to share so im very appreciative that they will have the desire and energy to record and hopefully for us in the midwest of the US tour.