From the album sampler and the videos on youtube, I honestly wasn't expecting to like this album a whole lot. Lyrically, it sounded weak and musically limited. However, I just downloaded it from the shop, and am listening to it at work, first time, and well, it's pretty good!
It's much more of a piece with eight/carnival/high, in that it has a very ethereal feel to it, with perhaps just a bit more sinister around the edges. I think from Carnival onward especially, Justin's songwriting has shown - not surprisingly - a greater awareness and acceptance of mortality. Beyond these carnival lights, there is nothing at all, indeed. I may be in a minority, but I love Carnival)
None of us are getting any younger, and some of us, sadly, aren't getting any older, and the later NMA albums are full of songs tinged with reflection and maybe some regret. Maybe the more expansive, tribal format fits that mood better than the old rock band in a room trope.
Right. Back on with it. Grateful and relieved!