Author Topic: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...  (Read 10321 times)

Master Ray

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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #75 on: November 05, 2013, 07:12:00 PM »
Some strong words there, Merseyexile, that I can see people taking offence at... we're not sheep following a shepherd whose playing bad music.  We genuinely love this album.  The Emperor has a full set of clothes, and they look pretty damn resplendant!

We've all got our opinions... my own unpopular opinion is that I'm not all that keen on '...Hopeless Causes'.  It doesn't matter.  Hope others are digging that stuff.  But calling people 'obsessed', like they don't have a rational mind of their own... that's not on, mate.

Please respect the opinions of others, mate.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #76 on: November 05, 2013, 07:22:22 PM »
Aside from the actual topic of discussion, is anyone else getting a kick out of the stir caused by the use of the word "obsessed", then seeing that some of the same posters are listed as "obsessed" based on (I think) their number of posts to the forum?

Mostly just circumstantial irony, I think.

For my part, I believe I am obsessed with NMA, though I certainly don't love all of their songs (including one or two from BDAW). 

Oh, and I agree that we should be able to take the opinion of others on face value.

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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #77 on: November 05, 2013, 07:25:32 PM »
Fair comment, Williard...



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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2013, 07:44:07 PM »
I have no problem being called "obsessed" with NMA. Would have to say, fair comment. But, in return for my obsession, I get much pleasure from it, so there can be no problem. I do object to the suggestion that it effects my judgement on whether or not I truely like the music or not. I could do a list of NMA songs I am not keen on, and a small list of some I just don't like. But I can"t see the point. I don"t want to offend any fellow forum members, or indeed band members. -- clearly JS looks at this site, and occassionally adds a comment. I don"t want to slag off pieces of work someone maybe rightly proud of just because a particular song may not be for me personally. No one has started a "list your least favourate NMA songs" topic, after all this is a FANS forum.

As such, I would not want to say that like Master Ray, I"m not too keen on - love of Hopeless Causes album, it my least favourate by some way !!

Woops, said it now  :-[  sorry JS  ;D

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2013, 06:33:12 PM »
Ooh, it's got a bit warm in here hasn't it?  ;D

Must admit I both giggled and winced when I read Mersey's post. Either it's one of those times where the sarky humour you'd get in real life doesn't translate to this 2D communication or.... it's a pretty lairy dig at people.

If the suggestion is that by really getting into BDAW means that I'm a mindless sheep of some sort then I'm sorry but - off you go, pop along now. I disagree with my friends over shitloads of music and quite strongly at times but it's a question of taste not personality. To insult peoples intelligence over their taste in music would be a bit much really. Hopefully that's not the case.

You Kids play nicely now  :-*

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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2013, 09:08:41 PM »
right i just want to add that i love this album for what it is, not because its nma, or because of what other people think of it ,but because i do, and if other people dont then to me thats all fair people have different opinions its called life.But when someone else who doiesnt like it slags others off calling them obsessive and other bullshit thats when i take offence like,so that person who said it all ,should go away and not like it elsewhere or just shut the **** up.
someone cried out subvert and the  people all went  cold.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2013, 05:58:08 AM »
Mersey Exile, your dislike of this album is more obsessive than anyone's appreciation here.

You don't like it. That's ok. Now let it go...


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #82 on: November 07, 2013, 10:11:09 PM »
spot on advice there
someone cried out subvert and the  people all went  cold.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #83 on: November 08, 2013, 06:45:16 PM »
"Mersey Exile, your dislike of this album is more obsessive than anyone's appreciation here. You don't like it. That's ok. Now let it go..."

Johnz, thanks, yes you're right. Point taken.
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Master Ray

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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2013, 06:58:32 PM »
"Mersey Exile, your dislike of this album is more obsessive than anyone's appreciation here. You don't like it. That's ok. Now let it go..."

Johnz, thanks, yes you're right. Point taken.

Big internet hugs all round?



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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #85 on: November 08, 2013, 07:34:08 PM »
"Mersey Exile, your dislike of this album is more obsessive than anyone's appreciation here. You don't like it. That's ok. Now let it go..."

Johnz, thanks, yes you're right. Point taken.

Good for you MerseyExile. Bit of controversy, but we are all on the same side. Glad your not going to be - ForumExile   ;D


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #86 on: November 09, 2013, 07:08:35 PM »
Interesting discussion.

I've been a fan since 1984/5 and experienced that 'up and down' feeling with new releases more than once. When LOHC initially came out, it was like a slap in the face (except Here Comes the War and Living in the Rose). Then, it grew and became a favourite after a number of years. Carnival and TIAGD have yet to take root and become entrenched. High was in the same position for years, yet now I simply can't get enough of it and it's never out of my ears. The early stuff always was an instant hit, the latter - not so much. The reasons why not always so clear.

So, with no interest whatsoever to abandon NMA, I have to admit that I recently bought BDAW…almost out of duty and the sense of loyalty which has always popped up its head since those teenage years. Being honest, I expected the same initial and subsequent reactions to Carnival, High and TIAGD; in other words, some excellent tracks but lacking as a whole, compared with earlier releases. You could get a great compilation from the three, but on their own - somewhat weakish, making you almost think that perhaps the best days were behind them.

Well, I couldn't have been more wrong. For me, BDAW is just as much of an instant hit which requires countless listenings over and over again, just as Impurity did back in the day, or Eight more 'recently'. I love the album and the different sound…so wonderful at 7.30 in the morning or 11.00 at night.  :) Looking forward to Crane Lane or Whelans, if possible.

Simply wonderful and showing the unique characteristics that have always made NMA something so special, especially Lean Back and Fall, Knieval, BDAW and Qasrel Nil Bridge.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #87 on: November 10, 2013, 06:39:39 AM »
"Mersey Exile, your dislike of this album is more obsessive than anyone's appreciation here. You don't like it. That's ok. Now let it go..."

Johnz, thanks, yes you're right. Point taken.

Good for you MerseyExile. Bit of controversy, but we are all on the same side. Glad your not going to be - ForumExile   ;D

What shush said. Good on you.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #88 on: November 10, 2013, 02:04:50 PM »
BDAW took me apart, ripped me out, fired me up and kept me on its pounding float ever since my first listen I have to say. Fantastic work, especially how the moods of the lyrics interface and constantly change with instrumentation, beats and vocal delivery...masterpiece, especially on Pull the Sun... what a tune that is, easily amongst the very best for the long shot in my book. Live even better. Can't remember ANY new album (since before LOHC) whose songs were so well received, seamlessly integrated into the rest of the setlist, and collectively danceable as those from BDAW (at least in the two gigs I saw, Stuttgart & Zurich). I dearly hope Pull the Sun, Stormclouds, BDAW, Knievel, I need more time etc stay in the lists for years to come!

And not to dwell on some of the sentiments of this thread as most has been said... but calling for obsession on the side of people liking a new NMA album that has the highest chart entry in >20 years is a bit hollow.


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Re: Anyone else not convinced with BDAW ? OK just me then...
« Reply #89 on: November 11, 2013, 11:13:46 AM »
 This is a very partisan forum. When someone posts equally hyperbolic criticism, that's nothing more than anyone might reasonably expect.
:) - Permasmiley - should you become pointlessly enraged by anything I've posted, look at this smiley which proves that I'm just being funny and meant you no offence personally (even though you're a dick)