Author Topic: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook  (Read 3359 times)


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2013, 09:39:36 PM »
Just bloody minded principle to to make a point really........ If I didn't try they'd never know how I/we/some of us feel about the cartel on taste........
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2013, 10:25:57 PM »
Whoa fella  - assume that's directed at me?

If there was a bloody minded principle to make a point in what I said it was about the state of the BBC not about you or what you are trying to achieve. I meant that first sentence - I do think it's great what yourself and others are doing. If it came across as a dig then i'm sorry it wasn't supposed to. My comments are ,yes, cynical and ,perhaps, not overly positive but they are directed towards the way things seem to operate these days not towards any individual with enough energy to still kick against the pricks.

For what it's worth I spent 6 years working in the Private Offices of 2 cabinet ministers specifically dealing with complaints and believe me I became very adept at the smooth talking palm off. I recognise the smell of thank you very much now bugger off tone of an official reply. Like I say that is a reflection of "them" not you or anyone else.

In my time I've emailed various radio stations/programmes asking the same questions you have because I share the bemusement of how this band can be so ignored. Certainly I can't think of another band with a 33 year history that NEVER features on anything. But that doesn't change the fact that the question springs to mind of will anything change? In this discussion I'd have thought that was a valid point to raise not a right hook?

I kinda approach this board like a conversation with people in a comfy pub - topics come up, people shoot the breeze and offer up thoughts that come to mind, then we get the next round in. Maybe I'm wrong and this is a place of black and white certainty with no room for meandering thought. Shame really.

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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2013, 11:32:15 PM »
By all means tell me to butt-out, but I think Stoney was referring to his own bloody mindedness in persisting with it, when as you suggest, they may well not be interested.

That said, has anyone got a link to BBC/Later outside of facebook. Then some of us Luddites can av a go ?


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2013, 11:54:09 PM »
In reply to Anna, I would say that another 33 years down the line when there's another documentary due out, there will be a long lost clip of the bands only appearance on the Jools Holland show which I will have completely forgotten by then because I will be 82. (But still occasionally humming 'Vagabonds')


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2013, 12:38:48 PM »

Artistic merit and quality? Don't believe it's part of the equation.
Really hope I'm proved to be totally and utterly talking out of my behind.  :-*

Yeah, I'm with you on that, Anna. And, as much as I may like ...Later With Jools Holland, I didn't really need radio/TV airplay to get into NMA as a late friend of mine introduced me to the band via a Brazilian pressing of The Ghost Of Cain. So there!  ;D
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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2013, 12:45:54 PM »
Whoa fella  - assume that's directed at me?

If there was a bloody minded principle to make a point in what I said it was about the state of the BBC not about you or what you are trying to achieve. I meant that first sentence - I do think it's great what yourself and others are doing. If it came across as a dig then i'm sorry it wasn't supposed to. My comments are ,yes, cynical and ,perhaps, not overly positive but they are directed towards the way things seem to operate these days not towards any individual with enough energy to still kick against the pricks.

For what it's worth I spent 6 years working in the Private Offices of 2 cabinet ministers specifically dealing with complaints and believe me I became very adept at the smooth talking palm off. I recognise the smell of thank you very much now bugger off tone of an official reply. Like I say that is a reflection of "them" not you or anyone else.

In my time I've emailed various radio stations/programmes asking the same questions you have because I share the bemusement of how this band can be so ignored. Certainly I can't think of another band with a 33 year history that NEVER features on anything. But that doesn't change the fact that the question springs to mind of will anything change? In this discussion I'd have thought that was a valid point to raise not a right hook?

I kinda approach this board like a conversation with people in a comfy pub - topics come up, people shoot the breeze and offer up thoughts that come to mind, then we get the next round in. Maybe I'm wrong and this is a place of black and white certainty with no room for meandering thought. Shame really.

I didn't take offense, and my comment wasn't a dig at you at all, not eve a sarcastic one./
I genuinely sent my complaint out of sheer bloody mindedness on my part. I realise the chances of changing the self serving empoers new clothes mentality at th Later... is about nil. But I felt better for prodding their ever so so self satisfied n smirking faces a bit....... Simple as that really.....
It seems to me, if enough of us made enough of a song n dance about the snub maybe, just maybe it would change.
Shy kids get no sweets after all? You can't really moan about government if you don't at least VOTE in an election surely the same applies is all.....
Still, if my comment caused you to feel like I was having ago, agan it wasnm't what was implied..... My right hyook is something entirely different to that comment after all.... hahahahhahaaa
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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2013, 12:51:44 PM »
By all means tell me to butt-out, but I think Stoney was referring to his own bloody mindedness in persisting with it, when as you suggest, they may well not be interested.

That said, has anyone got a link to BBC/Later outside of facebook. Then some of us Luddites can av a go ?

Exactly the point, thank you. I was a bit taken aback to think otherwise.
There is a link to follow, I'll dig it out and edit back into this reply in a second.

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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2013, 02:31:06 PM »
Thanks for the link. If enough of us do it, the NMA question may at least be raised at the next meeting of the shows producers etc. I think also if a few of us do it we will all be sent the same preconceived responce. Anyhow, this is what I sent when I eventually made it through all the boxes to tick ,,

Dear Sir / Madam.
I am a viewer of your show, Later with Jools Holland. This program I admire as it is the best show on TV at this time for promoting original  music performed by live acts who have written some wonderful material. As such I find it quite unusual that the British band, - New Model Army from Bradford have never appeared on your show. This band which has been performing music as a live act for 33 years across the World, and released twelve studio albums is internationally recognized as being one of the most highly skilled bands Britain has produced in terms of song writing, live performance and musicianship . Releasing an unrivaled variety of quality music from  Post-Punk electric guitar music to gentle ballads. Such a wide variety, that it has never truly been possible to fit them into any genre of music, their performances sitting comfortably with Rock, Alternative, Folk, etc, as is reflected in the wide variety of festivals, international venues that are welcome and sought after to perform at.  This band having just released its twelfth studio album, which received much high praise with the music press, off the back of it are currently on a long Europe wide tour with packed out venues which will continue till the end of the year.  So my question, rather than complaint is, how is it  that a music show such as Later with Jools Holland which revolves around such original artists and musical talent and ability has never approached this Band  to perform on the show when it is  a prime example of what the show is trying to showcase and exhibit?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 03:04:51 PM by Shush »


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2013, 04:32:58 PM »
Shush, that is an excellent message. I wish mine had read like that.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2013, 07:20:42 PM »
@ Stoney - Phew, glad i got the wrong end of the stick. Sorry friend x

@ Shush - Butt out? No way. to use the Comfy Pub thing again - you'd have dived in and told me I was wrong as soon as i started to frown and get all indignant x

To put something more constructive in: Is there a suggestions/questions/comments link for Later with... that could be used for the emails? could be that that might end up going to those involved with the programme itself because I imagine the BBC has a seperate department for dealing with complaints.

I think the email Shush sent is pretty damn good and to atone for my preciousness last night I have just sent an email to The Radcliffe & Maconie show on 6 Music because I can't believe NMA haven't featured on there either. And to be honest that's where I pick up most new/"new to me" music and only watch Later if there's someone on I like.Obviously what with me being me I had to be more wordy and rambling but these bits might be useful - Shush think of these as a possible 2nd draft  :-*

As such I find it quite unusual that the British band New Model Army have never featured on your show. This band has been performing music as a live act for 33 years across the World, have released twelve studio albums and are internationally recognized as being one of the most highly skilled bands Britain has produced in terms of song writing, live performance and musicianship. Releasing an unrivaled variety of quality music from Post-Punk electric guitar music to gentle ballads. Such a wide variety that it has never truly been possible to fit them into any genre of music. Their performances sitting comfortably with Rock, Alternative, Folk, etc, reflected in the wide variety of festivals, international venues and places where they are welcome and sought after to perform. This band, having just released its twelfth studio album (which received high praise within the music press), are currently on a long Europe wide tour with packed out venues which will continue till the end of the year with the rest of the World due to follow in 2014.
So my questions are: How is it that a music show such as Radcliffe & Maconie which revolves around original artists, musical talent and ability have never approached this Band  to feature on the show when it is a prime example of what the show is trying to showcase and exhibit? Obviously I'm a big fan of NMA who gets a bit miffed at the way they are ignored but as a big music fan the question is: If NMA aren't featured then are there other British artists with such longevity and back catalogue that I never found out about and you haven't opened my ears to?

Hope that helps in the conversation.
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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2013, 08:12:48 PM »
I realise the chances of changing the self serving empoers new clothes mentality at th Later... is about nil.
You can't really moan about government if you don't at least VOTE in an election surely the same applies is all.....
That damned Emperor is getting everywhere... ;)
I come from the school of thought that "If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal", but that's getting off topic.
I think it simply comes down to the fact that someone at the BBC just doesn't like NMA. Remember Glastonbury... :(
Complain all you like but they'll still ignore NMA... >:(
Tonight, as you stare at the ceiling again
With your lover turning away
Disappointment closing in
Like the walls... and you try...
You try to talk about love
And they put their arms around you
But you still feel all alone
Wonder why...


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2013, 10:17:30 PM »
I have to admit, I'd be amazed if we get anywhere, but I am firm believer in stating my case wether I think it'l alter anything or not. I can then feel vindicated when I do kick off after being ignored! ha ha ha
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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2013, 11:17:11 PM »
Nice one Stoney. It's worth bothering even if it gets us nowhere. If everyone who uses this forum and the facebook page sent an email, could they just overlook it? Of course they could, but you just never know!!


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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2013, 09:07:02 AM »
Anna, bless you. I hope one day we get the chance to have a debate in a pub - about anything you like.  I like the way you think, and how passionate you get. We will find a subject that we both completely disagree on, and have bloody good argument !! ;D love a good debate. -- all the better with a few pints.  :D

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Contact Later With Jools Holland via Facebook
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2013, 06:30:48 PM »
Likewise Shush  :-*. Bet we're at the same gig at some point and we can have those pints.
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't