is justice vengeance? is vengeance justice? or, is it vigilante justice he is talking about?
don't get me wrong i do like the song, but i know people who know the band only slightly and think this is how the singer feels because he is the one singing it:-
"To me there's no problem with the song itself as it shows the perspective of an extreme character - as indeed does The Hunt as someone pointed out - and should not be mistaken as being the songwriter's opinion."
and i have heard him say at gigs he does belive in vengeance, which is backed up by the old intro
""The only good Fascist is a dead Fascist", because in saying so you are on the same level as the Fascists themselves."
again, don't get me wrong i do like the song, but for me there are other lyrics which i find it harder to understand
today is a good day - i have said this before but, i still can't understand how someone can say that was a good day, when all the financial system went tits up and we the tax payer had to bail out the banks and the age of austerity began, i also wonder how many NMA fans sat there thinking that, or did they begin to think it was a good day after the song was released? and yes i have heard justins comments and arguements when i have previously mentioned it but still can't agree
falklands - "They think that they died for you and me, Oh God, what a farce, what a farce"
"They think they fought for peace and freedom Poor boys, what a farce, what a farce"
well, no, i think they died for the peace & freedom of the falkland islanders, who are eternally gratefull for that.
again, don't get me wrong, i do think it is absolutely sh*t that in this so called modern world that we sometimes have to go to war & i am eternally gratefull that i have not experienced it, but, still don't get those lyrics