Author Topic: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?  (Read 5553 times)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2015, 07:48:47 PM »
I love the heart breaking keyboards in the end of Fireworks Night. Although I can see what you meant by its emotions it awakes. Depending on the name of the song I can see the ending like well; fireworks,  distant ones. It's like a time that passes by. Some memories and moments that might stay in your mind. Was it a good year or not... How many of them could fit on your life...

There I go again. Deep hearted.  ;)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 07:50:50 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2015, 03:42:13 AM »
I liked all the tribal sounding drumming on "Dog and Wolf". In fact musically the whole album was an accomplishment.
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2018, 07:02:56 PM »
"Western Dream" - Great intro lick, best guitar solo out of all the NMA songs, and the guitar stabs during the bridges ("watch the  dirty hands that labored hard for you...") are simply astonishing. (I have been trying for 25 years to figure out how he plays them. No luck.)

It's a great song, unfortunately not often played live :'(
The bass and drums work on this song is also thrilling!

Now, which are your favourite guitar, bass and drums parts on the last album WINTER?  :) ;)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2018, 06:41:59 AM »
For the bass part i go for Beginning as a must no.1. this whole track is such a blast, this distortet grim melancholic bass opens the album, makes a statement and goes on calm and somehow stoic until the breakout, wild uncontrolled final. also the track for best drums, but as always is difficult to say. to come back to the bass, at first winter came to my mind and also weak and strong, so i would pick these three.

born ferals dreamlike trance percussion drum part is a big favourite. i also like the driving eyes get used to the darkness, just feels like no rest and i'm not sure if this could be even intentional. it's really hard to pick, the whole drum-rhythm-bass section is so well coordinated and layerd, such a beauty to listen to.

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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2018, 07:29:17 PM »
"Western Dream" - Great intro lick, best guitar solo out of all the NMA songs, and the guitar stabs during the bridges ("watch the  dirty hands that labored hard for you...") are simply astonishing. (I have been trying for 25 years to figure out how he plays them. No luck.)

It's a great song, unfortunately not often played live :'(
The bass and drums work on this song is also thrilling!

Now, which are your favourite guitar, bass and drums parts on the last album WINTER?  :) ;)
Yeah, I have to agree with Guilliame and Space on this one. "Western Dream" is thee best NMA song. Both lyrically and musically it towers above all others. Sure other tunes have great lyrics ("Better Than Them"), but musically they are simplistic. On the other hand there are NMA tunes with fantastic musical chops in them (the whole "Dog and Wolf" album), but the lyrics are pretty lame ("Evel Knievel").

"Western Dream" is about as great as it gets. And, like Space, I too have been trying for 25 years to properly play those guitar stabs (the ones behind "stretching out like children..." "I wish we could find another way to go"...). Man, are they cool. They ascend. I know they are some sort of double-stops...I just can't get them nor the tone right. They are brilliant touches added to an already brilliant song.

As for "Winter," I haven't even listened to it, yet. I am saving it. Like a treasure that I will discover years from now.


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2020, 08:52:18 PM »
Michael Dean is retiring :'( :'( :'('s NMA new drummer!!:



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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2020, 01:27:45 AM »
Really hard to choose, with such quantity of amazing instrumental parts, but I wouldn't actually concentrate on what is hardest to play but on what for me is most interesting to hear in terms of instrumental arrangements:
I am a bassist, I  toy a bit with acoustic guitar and sing, but bass is my basic instrument.
Basslines have been such an important driving force in NMA's music that I think they are one of the most bass-driven bands I know of. And for that I think the most deserving person is Stuart Morrow, 'cause he set it up as a standard and whoever came later had some enormous shoes to fill. I wouldn't go far in trying to explain to a non-musician his technique, but those of you who do play, especially, bass, will understand what I mean when I say this: to me he stands so high in what he does with pick-playing as Jaco does in terms of fingerpicking!
Now, as for the single bass line that stands out I really don't know... It's the whole style that he brought, the position of the bass in the soundscape... From Betcha on, through Running in the Rain, Notice me, Smalltown England, Christian Militia, Vengeance... I love and respect all other bassists that came later, Moose - the whole T&C, my favourite album, White Coats, The Charge, what can one say... Nelson - Listen to Here Comes The War, One of the Chosen, Rivers, Brother... Ceri - Strogoula, The Weather...
As for drums, they are always great, but what will always stay my favourite drum tracks are Rob's Inheritance, Here Comes The War, Ballad of Bodmin Pill, Green and Grey, 125 mph and Michael's Wonderful way to go...
Acoustic guitar: Green and Grey, Higher Wall, Family Life...
Electric Guitar: many different small touches scattered all over... Intro on Archway Towers, the whole Love of Hopeless Causes, with Bad Old World at the top...
Violin on Vagabonds
Keyboards on Nothing Touches...


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2020, 10:23:26 PM »
I always thought the closer the band plays towards straight white blues, the lesser their sound becomes but one of things I love about New Model Army most is the way whoever comes into the band begins to play differently to the way they may have played before


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« Last Edit: January 17, 2021, 10:31:56 PM by Guillaume »

Ron B

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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #40 on: January 18, 2021, 03:54:51 AM »

As a bass player there are some great bass parts in a lot of their albums I love the bass playing on Stupid Questions, Fate, Sunset, Sunrise just to name a few. 8)
Born to Raise Hell and Enjoy every minute of it.


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #41 on: March 03, 2023, 12:23:23 PM »
Up!  :)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #42 on: March 03, 2023, 11:26:01 PM »
Best --

Bass - Running in the rain
Drums - Sex, the black Angel
Electric Guitar - Southwest
Acoustic Guitar - Family Life

I'll stick to my original choice
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2023, 09:24:03 PM »
An "UP" because I also forgot to add...: the best vocal/singing parts and the best keyboard/synth parts:  8)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2023, 05:36:52 PM »
The Attack

Decent bit of guitar playing. Someone, who's pretty good too, giving the old drums a bit of a work out.

Not a musician. But I do like to listen to that song. Preferably loud and in darkness.

