well, it seems that some people are almost angry about the video, and i somehow can understand that emotion from a distance. it's like the first feelings and confusion the first seconds of seeing it and then letting go seeing and just watching and by that somehow transforming.
i don't want to argue about the video on the production level, but i like to talk about what i experience through it. maybe some critics could try to explain on a feelings level, why they are disappointed or angry. that would be interesting.
to me, the whole bdaw experience was kind of a coloured thing, to which the design and art of the album where mixing in with the pictures evolving in my head while listening. there was a certain warm thickness, slow deepness...whatever. what i'm trying to say is, that the video crashed alomst immediately all of it.
at first there was crashing, disorientation, "what the **** does it mean?" "what do they want to tell me with that?", but also immediately i was taken on a journey and just had to smile about what i saw, with all the questions still there but not so important anymore. i think what happened, was a transformation of watching the vid on an more intellectual level and then changing to just go emotional. no explaining of the symbols, meanings, interpretation, just immediate sense and wonder.
i treally transfomed my reflection of the song and changed the colour and tone a bit, and at first i feeled almost betrayed. it's like people say they don't want to see the movie to the book they've read. and "what has been seen cannot be unseen!!!!"
but now i've good an addition to my interpretation and it made the experience stronger. becaus to me it fits perfectly. it fits my expectations of nma. that i so often just have to become aware that i have expectations that i didn't notice before.
and if i would argue about the video, and would feel attacked by words like silly, stupid, childish, i would say: how can you not like to watch children playing and having fun, and why can you not smile about people with grins in their face, holding drinks while surfing the big wave, how stubborn and boring you must be, you must be dead already.
but i would never say that!!