Chase DayFriends of the Gävle Goat
From the goat's blog.... "Unfortunately, I have to make my last post for this year. I´m now writing to you from goat heaven. I´m so sorry that I already have to leave you! I had really thought and hoped that I would celebrate Christmas with all of you and get to go with you into the new year but unfortunately it was someone who did not think so! Last night just after four pm it got really hot. Someone set fire on me, ugh! terrible! Have you heard or seen anything? Please contact the goat committé. They read my e-mail I'm really happy for the time we had together and for the time I got to stand on the Castle Square and spread Christmas spirit! I'm already looking forward to next year when we meet again! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year! I´ll see you all next year!"