No worries! Poor me - Compared to your excellent English- I'm at a state of cave man

when it comes to trying to read something in between the lines in foreign language. *Me likes the Army!*
Yeah, to the point before I rock the whole boat:
If there once were things like standing in on behalf of something/ fighting/ respect of equality etc. there are nowadays some new elements too like
-responsiveness to change
-self-confidence (as always)
-reclusion / isolation
Latter one being quite interesting. I think there's something in common with things like silence and even living in exile, maybe. Coming back and giving couple of phrases about everything as an answer. Then disappear into the shadowy realms of NBTS until next time... Couldn't explain...
I think that our cultures, age and things in life at the moment etc. affects to how we view the band and feel about this. Everyone has something more to add on depending on what has happened in their lives.