Simon and Jack, to me your stories both sum up to me what following this band is all about.
Of coarse, the music is exceptional, and I listen to it on a daily basis, but I do feel a link, a kindred spirit to all other followers and people involved with this band. As far as I am concerned, all NMA followers are my friend, unless they tell me otherwise, which so far, thankfully has only happened once.
Going to an NMA concert is far more than just going to listen to a great band. I love the fact I can go to a pub near by, see other people who are clearly there before a gig, go and talk to them and have something in common with what otherwise would be a complete stranger. Same with where ever we go after the gig.
I have recently spoken to loads of new people before and after the gigs I have been to, and the feeling of belonging is truly special.
I was walking though my local town a few weeks ago, I had an NMA shirt on, and so did someone else who was walking towards me. We noticed each other, and by the time we were near each other, after a few rye smiles, by the time we clashed, we gave each other a big man hug. Had a quick chat, and off we went on our separate ways.
It is very special feature you get when following this band. I have met up with a few people on this forum, most of which I have never met in person, but all of which I would regard as being good friends -- you know who you are

Long may it continue. We are here for such a short time, so we may as well made it a good time.