Author Topic: One Family.................  (Read 2328 times)


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One Family.................
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:36:20 PM »
Hi all
I just would like to share with you a personal story very much linked to the band. I was 18 when I first discovered NMA buying Thunder and Consolation in a vinyl shop in Innsbruck. I always “stayed” with the band, buying everything I could and following the band around whenever possible. I met Justin a  few times here and there, I discovered that he started studying at the same Bradford’s university where I studied too, that we had the same professor before he quit to dedicate all his time to the band. Beside music, lyrics etc. I found out that he is such a nice persons to talk to.  Even better.
Well,  all these issues of One Family One Tribe I do not know we are all different but somehow we have something in common I guess loving this band as we love them.  For sure I feel part of a family when I am at a New Model Army gig. This year I will be only in Dublin and Koln (so if you will be there too please get in touch we will meet).
And there is something…………sometimes……..kind of magic. I am 40, I am Italian, I live in Berlin. Last Wednesday I was coming back from a book presentation on Salvador Allende (I mean nothing to do with music or anything) and on the way back, when  arrived at my metro station, I stopped to listen to this guy playing his guitar on the way to the exit. I stood there (bit high I have to admit but it does not matter) listening to him. He was playing instrumental stuff. I found it so good and when he stopped I asked him “Hey mate where are you from”? The guy: “London my name is John”……”Wow your music is fantastic…and…just a quick one: do you know by chance a band called New Model Army”? John: “Sure they are a major influence on my music”!  “Oh man are you serious?  that is amazing…..I ll go and see them next Friday in Dublin”. The guy, John: “really? Great I’ll go and see them in Koln in December”. “Me too”!
John also told me that he is actually above all a bass player and he wrote to the band to have an audition when they were looking for a new one. He stated that Justin replied to him that he liked his mp3 but that the others  basically already choose someone else. He was a bit late in sending his stuff anyway.
Then we exchanged e mails and mobile numbers  saying that we will meet again for some drinks in Berlin and for sure before the gig in Koln.
Sorry, I was a bit long.
I just think this is amazing. One guy playing in a metro station another one leaving the same metro station. Both belonging somehow to the same family. That is why may be I managed to “recognize” the guy?………..whatever. Anyway: One Family, One Tribe.
Best  to all and please get in touch. We will meet before and/or after the gig in Koln (in 2011 after the concert we went to this Limes pub which was really nice, relaxed atmosphere, cool people……..).


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 11:13:16 PM »
That's a nice story, Simon.  I have a similar one:

I was driving home from Swansea to where I lived (middle of nowhere) late one night in the winter about seven years ago.  I had Impurity on the car stereo and I think Marrakesh was playing. It was a filthy night (funny how they always are, isn't it?!), very cold, windy, raining buckets and as dark as the inside of Satan's arse.  I drove through a tiny village that had a few houses and about three street lamps along the pavement.  Under these lights was a man, hitching.  He looked like he'd been there for hours as he was wet through and looked thoroughly miserable.

I pulled over to offer him a lift, and as he got into the car I thought I'd never seen a human being look so wretched.  He collapsed into the car seat, shut the door, recognised NMA and grinned like a Cheshire cat.  He said "I've had an awful day, I'm cold, wet and hungry and a long way from home.  None of that matters because one of the Family has given me a lift".

Never saw him before, never seen him since, but I remember him and I hope he remembers me.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 12:44:10 AM »
Simon and Jack, to me your stories both sum up to me what following this band is all about.

Of coarse, the music is exceptional, and I listen to it on a daily basis, but I do feel a link, a kindred spirit to all other followers and people involved with this band. As far as I am concerned, all NMA followers are my friend, unless they tell me otherwise, which so far, thankfully has only happened once.

Going to an NMA concert is far more than just going to listen to a great band. I love the fact I can go to a pub  near by, see other people who are clearly there before a gig, go and talk to them and have something in common with what otherwise would be a complete stranger. Same with where ever we go after the gig.

I have recently spoken to loads of new people before and after the gigs I have been to, and the feeling of belonging is truly special.

I was walking though my local town a few weeks ago, I had an NMA shirt on, and so did someone  else who was walking towards me. We noticed each other,  and by the time we were near each other, after a few rye smiles, by the time we clashed, we gave each other a big man hug. Had a quick chat, and off we went on our separate ways. 

It is very special feature you get when following this band. I have met up with a few people on this forum, most of which I have never met in person, but all of which I would regard as being good friends -- you know who you are  :D

Long may it continue. We are here for such a short time, so we may as well made it a good time.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 01:45:04 PM »
i agree talked to loads of people travelling to and from gigs ,outside of venues and unlike loads of other bands ive followed through the years  ,there is something a bit special about nma its like being part of something cool :)
someone cried out subvert and the  people all went  cold.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2013, 07:56:48 PM »
You have no idea how incredibly cool it is to see NMA in a different Country and then look around.... and realize that you know most of the faces and count them among friends.  Endless smiles and hugs... some from people you met 20 minutes earlier.  Often times I'll go to shows here in the States and not recognize a single person. 

It really is absolutely amazing.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2013, 09:43:26 PM »
That's a nice story, Simon.  I have a similar one:

I was driving home from Swansea to where I lived (middle of nowhere) late one night in the winter about seven years ago.  I had Impurity on the car stereo and I think Marrakesh was playing. It was a filthy night (funny how they always are, isn't it?!), very cold, windy, raining buckets and as dark as the inside of Satan's arse.  I drove through a tiny village that had a few houses and about three street lamps along the pavement.  Under these lights was a man, hitching.  He looked like he'd been there for hours as he was wet through and looked thoroughly miserable.

I pulled over to offer him a lift, and as he got into the car I thought I'd never seen a human being look so wretched.  He collapsed into the car seat, shut the door, recognised NMA and grinned like a Cheshire cat.  He said "I've had an awful day, I'm cold, wet and hungry and a long way from home.  None of that matters because one of the Family has given me a lift".

Never saw him before, never seen him since, but I remember him and I hope he remembers me.
fantastic thanks for sharing!


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2013, 09:49:51 PM »
actually thanks to all of you for replying and sharing stories. It make me feel good and positive in difficult moments.
This year for various reasons I can only attend two gigs (I was in Africa for work when the album came out and the tour started .and I work the less and less it is always more difficult to find a position in my fieldwork these days plus am a bit of a lazy punk so........._, plus I have an amazing special baby daughter now.....etc.......) and I will try my best and I hope these will be special.
So again anyone who will be in Dublin and or in Koln, please get in touch.
and keep reading and sharing stories please...........!!
Love to all.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2013, 09:54:46 PM »
You have no idea how incredibly cool it is to see NMA in a different Country and then look around.... and realize that you know most of the faces and count them among friends.  Endless smiles and hugs... some from people you met 20 minutes earlier.  Often times I'll go to shows here in the States and not recognize a single person. 

It really is absolutely amazing.
I think you are right. and there are assholes too. in 2011 in Koln I was there with my wife a bit decentralised from the mess I usually am into at the gig because my wife was pregnant. But I could n help it singing and moving a bit. Afetr a few seconds a big asshole touched me on the shoulder telling me to go somewhere else because "he was recording". ******* hell..........are u recording I told him? whi gives a shit that are u recording and why are yoiu doing that? am I supposed not to move because of you etc the end I went into the mess again and I also went to get my wife and I found for her a place just a bit in the back of where I was. so we could be together and sometimes  when I could not resist I was just going..........but unbelivable. so these guys whoever they are.........they are not family. and this one is just an example.


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2013, 06:48:41 AM »

I think you are right. and there are assholes too. in 2011 in Koln I was there with my wife a bit decentralised from the mess I usually am into at the gig because my wife was pregnant. But I could n help it singing and moving a bit. Afetr a few seconds a big asshole touched me on the shoulder telling me to go somewhere else because "he was recording". ******* hell..........are u recording I told him? whi gives a shit that are u recording and why are yoiu doing that? am I supposed not to move because of you etc the end I went into the mess again and I also went to get my wife and I found for her a place just a bit in the back of where I was. so we could be together and sometimes  when I could not resist I was just going..........but unbelivable. so these guys whoever they are.........they are not family. and this one is just an example.

  Of course, there are two sides to this. At a Boomtown Rats gig recently I felt obliged to point out to a guy beside me that the bloke on stage knew all the lyrics as well. AND could sing in key  :) He took it fairly well, to be fair to him.
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Ava Enturin

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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2013, 10:10:26 AM »
Recently, I've been to a wedding of a good friend. She has been living in South Africa for a while, and invited a few people from there too. So it happened that I met Sarah, we have been driving around together, chatting away, after a while the conversation got quite personal and I started talking about this band that accompanied me nearly all my life and that I always fall back to when in troubled times, even if I had not listened to them in months. She interrupted me, asking "which band"? It soon turned out, that she was a great deal into them in her younger life, but somehow lost track a bit. I introduced her to TIAGD, she instantly loved it, and now we're going to meet in Cologne for the x-mas concert. What are the odds, meeting someone from Cape Town at a wedding in Bavaria, from a mutual friend who is not an Army fan, and find another family member? Bloody brilliant :)


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2013, 09:02:50 PM »
Recently, I've been to a wedding of a good friend. She has been living in South Africa for a while, and invited a few people from there too. So it happened that I met Sarah, we have been driving around together, chatting away, after a while the conversation got quite personal and I started talking about this band that accompanied me nearly all my life and that I always fall back to when in troubled times, even if I had not listened to them in months. She interrupted me, asking "which band"? It soon turned out, that she was a great deal into them in her younger life, but somehow lost track a bit. I introduced her to TIAGD, she instantly loved it, and now we're going to meet in Cologne for the x-mas concert. What are the odds, meeting someone from Cape Town at a wedding in Bavaria, from a mutual friend who is not an Army fan, and find another family member? Bloody brilliant :)
that is great
and even more brilliant would be meeting up all together to share stories and go to the gig together then. That would be magic! yourself, your friend, me, John (the guy I met while he wa splaying in the metro station) and anyone else............I am serious. or if there is no time before.............for sure after. easy. we just fix a meeting point for a drink before the gig or after the gig at the stand where they sell t shirts etc. let s do it!


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2013, 09:29:20 PM »
I did a gig last weekend, which meant I had to miss NMA in London. Gutted beyond belief, and finances wouldn't stretch to seeing them in another city. Not this time. So, I wore my NMA 30th Anniversary jumper to the pub afterwards. The girlfriend of one of the other performers said "New Model Army! I LOVE New Model Army!" She was a longtime fan and we spent a couple hours talking about them and gigs we'd been to, and it turned out we loved a lot of the same artists.

Certainly, my numerous NMA t-shirts and jumpers have been a great talking point on lots of occasions!
No one cares anymore where you've been
So you find a quiet place to shed that old skin
You won't need it again


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2013, 10:33:13 PM »
Not wanting to hog the thread completely, but I have another tale...

I had a PM from John, who runs the online shop for NMA, to say that my friend Tim had had a car accident.  Tim Lives about ten minutes from me, in the middle of the Welsh hills and had managed to have a car accident right outside John's house.  The car was badly damaged and the noise of the accident brought John out into the street, where he took pity on Tim and offered him a bed for the night.  When Tim went into the house, he saw lots of NMA merchandise there, and said "Oh, New Model Army - my friend is a huge fan".  John managed to work out who I was and sent me the PM to tell me that my friend was alright and that the car would be sorted.

That's pretty amazing, I think.

Ava Enturin

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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2013, 08:17:38 AM »
Simon, thats a great idea, we should do that :)


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Re: One Family.................
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2013, 12:03:36 AM »
Not wanting to hog the thread completely, but I have another tale...

I had a PM from John, who runs the online shop for NMA, to say that my friend Tim had had a car accident.  Tim Lives about ten minutes from me, in the middle of the Welsh hills and had managed to have a car accident right outside John's house.  The car was badly damaged and the noise of the accident brought John out into the street, where he took pity on Tim and offered him a bed for the night.  When Tim went into the house, he saw lots of NMA merchandise there, and said "Oh, New Model Army - my friend is a huge fan".  John managed to work out who I was and sent me the PM to tell me that my friend was alright and that the car would be sorted.

That's pretty amazing, I think.

do u see that? keep sharing guys..the magic continues..................