I had never heard anything by New Model Army before but a mate where I lived at the time said he was going to see them in Nottingham Rock City would I like to go.
That date was 23rd February 1987
I don't know what it was but for once I felt at home, comfortable and a massive sense of belonging that has stayed with me until this day.
Over the years I travelled and hitched hundreds of miles met some great people, many of who I haven't seen for years.

Even last weekend when I travelled to Greece I was in the venue at Thessaloniki early about 6:30 and could hear the soundcheck taking place so I just walked in and Justin turned round put out his hand and shook mine and we had a good chat and I told him it was my first non UK gig after approx 200 UK dates, he asked why here, I said why not

Later I saw someone with a Lords of Chaos shirt so i nodded and said Hi, he replied and I realised he was not a local ( Adrian from West Brom) so we got chatting along with 2 other girls who I found out later to be Amanda the mad American from Alabama and Paula from Cologne and we ended up spending the whole weekend together and for me it made the weekend even more special, where else could ya go and see someone wearing the same band shirt and strike up a conversation and what will turn out to be a great friendship.
friends outside NMA don't understand what we do and why,but you have to be there to understand us.
At the end of the day we enjoy it and doesn't matter what everyone else thinks.
Defintely One Family, one tribe
I'm proud to be a member

Long may it continue