Author Topic: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW  (Read 151100 times)

Billy T

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2014, 10:38:58 AM »
True thing on television in years.....Southern Gothic crime story with some texturally Lovecraftian themes of cosmic horror thrown in to keep your head spinning..... I haven't ever seen anything quite like it.....
"It's better than two goblins trying to f**k a donkey up the arse with a laser beam." - Noel Gallagher

Ava Enturin

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2014, 11:55:29 AM »
I am totally into TV shows - there are quite a few good ones out there, like ie. Breaking Bad & Sons of Anarchy (well this one with some hesitation, as it seems that the producer might have an "Ikarus" problem at hand).

The one that grew the most on me is "Justified". In it's fifth season now, the characters are well written and played (a toast to Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins!), most of the lines are quite witty and one of the most interesting things is as how my sympathies are being played. I am liking the main pro- and antagonist both to the same degree, and the main difference between them is that one is actually carrying a badge. Not quite so sure about the intentions driving the characters, though.

There are some pretty cool lines too: "I've been accused of being a lot of things, inarticulate ain't one of them" - Boyd Crowder.  Hahaha, just remembered the Slow speed chase - hilarious. One of the funniest things I've seen in TV!

This series makes me actually want to visit the states, namely Kentucky. Came to like BlueGrass Music too, hehe.

Sooo, if you have some spare time, give it a try :)
« Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 12:04:19 PM by Ava Enturin »

Master Ray

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2014, 06:06:44 PM »
As far as UK TV goes, I'm loving LINE OF DUTY right now...

I really need to get into JUSTIFIED, sounds like just my cup of tea... I subscribe to NETFLIX and there are, I think, the first four seasons lined up there...

I know practically every TV hipster is whining on about BREAKING BAD, but seriously, if you ain't checked it out yet, please do.  The big love for this show is not just empty hype... it is truly awesome.  A toss-up between BAD and FIREFLY as my favourite TV show ever... TWIN PEAKS is in a close third place.

And, being a great big nerd, I still love DOCTOR WHO... looking forward to what Peter Capaldi will do with it...

Also so excited that GAME OF THRONES is back on in a few weeks...

This is a good age for TV.   ;D


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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2014, 07:01:17 PM »

is it as good as people say? where does it fit in?

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2014, 07:13:43 PM »
Only thing I'm going out of my way to watch at the mo is re-runs of "Not going out", Friday nights on Dave.  :)

Was sorry hear the beeb are canning BBC3. Been some good comedy's and documentaries on there  :( 

Master Ray

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2014, 07:44:38 PM »

is it as good as people say? where does it fit in?

It really is, Heno.  Only 13 episodes made, which is a tragedy, although there was a cinema-released spin-off that tied up a few loose ends...

It's not only a cracking good sci-fi show, but so, so funny as well.  Funnier than most comedy shows, so many moments that made me laugh out loud.  And such a great cast of characters...

OK, gonna go all geeky now... if you choose to watch it, make sure you watch it in the right order.  It was shown out-of-sequence on its original run in the US, which might have contributed to why it died in the ratings.  Consult WIKI for the right order.  Don't be confused by the fact that both the pilot episode and the cinema release were both called SERENITY... you need to watch the two-hour pilot first.  DO NOT watch the film before the TV show!!!

If you like sci-fi, you'll love this, hopefully.  Put it like this, every single person I've ever turned onto this show has ended up loving it, and that's quite a few.  Hope you join the cult!



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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2014, 07:46:46 PM »
i'll watch it this weekend and report back

by yours and some other friends accounts I am going to enjoy this
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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2014, 08:16:38 PM »
raymundo. does this make sense? where does the movie and the pilot fit in to this? or is serenity the pilot. scratches head

   1.   Serenity
   2.   The Train Job
   3.   Bushwhacked
   4.   Shindig
   5.   Safe
   6.   Our Mrs. Reynolds
   7.   Jaynestown
   8.   Out of Gas
   9.   Ariel
   10.   War Stories
   11.   Trash
   12.   The Message
   13.   Heart of Gold
   14.   Objects in Space
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Master Ray

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2014, 09:02:51 PM »
That's the right order.  Don't confuse the TV show with the film.

SERENITY is the right name for the first episode.  Again, I refer you to WIKI.  If you get confused, then watch the first scene.  If you come in right in the middle of a battle scene, it's the pilot, which is where you should be if you're watching FIREFLY for the first time. And go from there...

If you find yourself watching some kind of deep explanation for the whole FIREFLY universe, followed by a classroom scene, then you're watching the movie and stop watching RIGHT NOW!  ;)

Oddly, the first scene of the movie is set a few months before the pilot episode... don't worry, it'll all make sense in the long run.

Love that Chiwetel Ejiofor, so great in the Oscar-winning movie 12 YEARS A SLAVE, plays the bad guy in the SERENITY movie (which, BTW, you should watch last)...

PM me if you need any further advice.  I think I've been geeky enough.   ;D


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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2014, 09:08:19 PM »
thanks man. its ok to be geeky in public.
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Ava Enturin

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2014, 09:42:25 AM »
@ Master Ray: cannot agree enough on "Firefly". Really really really loved it, I even own a T-shirt with a comic of Jayne with his hat. "I'll be in my bunk". Hilarious :)

You know if Line of Duty is on Netflix? I am always greatful for recommendations - running out of shows to watch now, actually.

Oh yeah and the glorious days of "Twin Peaks". Really loved it a couple of years back, maybe I'll give it another round soonish.

I am watching "Life on Mars" at the moment, that's pretty good entertainment too (ah, the british version, I should add)

@ Heno: have loads of fun watching Firefly :)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 09:44:08 AM by Ava Enturin »


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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2014, 06:13:25 PM »
thanks, I will. I am just finishing serenity. and gonna watch a few more this evening.

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you're just the walking fucking dead.

Master Ray

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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2014, 06:21:29 PM »
Ava... LINE OF DUTY not on Netflix, only available on BBC Iplayer (if you're in the UK) or via, ahem 'alternative means'...  ;)

Don't worry if you didn't catch the first series of LOD, my folks didn't either and they're loving s2.

Good catch on LIFE ON MARS, another one of my favourite shows (also, the follow-up, ASHES TO ASHES), well worth checking out, fellow TV lovers, especially if you love the likes of THE SWEENEY and THE PROFESSIONALS from the 70's... completely un-PC and all the better for it!

And it's nice to meet a fellow Browncoat!*

I'm just getting to the end of S4 of DEXTER on Netflix, can't believe it took me so long to get into this show, bloody excellent, well worth a look.

Has anyone checked out that new DRACULA show?  I was thinking about checking it out (mainly because Katie 'Morgana from MERLIN' Mcgrath is in it, also known as 'my future wife'  ;D ), anyone got any input on that?

It always used to be the case that TV was the poor relation of the movies, but nowadays it seems to be the opposite.  So much good stuff around...

* - 'Browncoat' = FIREFLY fan, like STAR TREK fans are called 'Trekkies'...


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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2014, 06:21:38 PM »
he shot the horse.....
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you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: what Film / TV are you watching RIGHT NOW
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2014, 07:57:07 PM »
I was aiming for the his head......bahahahahahaha
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you're just the walking fucking dead.