I agree. Killing the elephant for doing its own thing in its natural enviroment is just wrong. Go upto any male elephant when it is in musth and expect to be attacked. Its on a par with sticking your hand in a lions mouth !!
just watched something on one of the documentary channels about an alligator training who, as part of his act, stuck his head in (wait for it) an alligators mouth, then guess what happened one day?
he was saved but has since given up his alligator shows, but at least he has no hard feelings for his ex-show-biz-partner.
there was actual footage taken by a spectator, one of the funniest things i've seen for a while.
there was also a really good doc about a man in south america who befriended a very young croc & would actually swim with it as a full grown adult, it showed no aggression to him, he could feed it, lay & swim on its back, now that was fascinating, the crocs head was nearly the size of the human. and full credit to the south african guy who was making the doc as he did eventually get in with the croc. there was a voice over at the end which i was expecting to hear how this bloke had been eaten by the croc, but it actually told how the croc had since died of natural causes