trying to get the merge ro four company completed with an LA based one
trying to figure out how to use technology to make government more transparent and putting citizens services on a par with global brand services and capabilities
and i was in china for three days last week and am still not over the fact that i worked through both time zones and managed a grand total of 5 hours sleep in 72 hours. i'm too old for this
and still recovering from the local canton cuisine of preserved pig innards cold meat platter which i thought was braied canotese duck when i ordered it. i even flapped my wings and said quack quack and the chinese people, who hadn't one word fo english, kept nodding. then it arrived......wel man, i have a stomach for most things but not a pigs stomach, boiled and chilled intestinal fat, steamed spleen, i think their might have even been a couple of smoked sweetbreads. lung. the ******* lot.
and now i am back in the land of spuds and pasta
man i gotta work on a menu for the new year. a healthy and engaging one. like a jamie's 15 minutes meals. with no meat. just some good fish on it. or i aint physically and mentally going to survive the challenges ahead......
bet you're glad you asked mate.
how are you anyway?
oh, and its raining and windy and a tree is down in the corner of my garden and it is being held up by the telegraph wires (thats phone lines to you young uns) and i have to go to dublin. and i bet the work crew arrive when i am not here and make a mess of the hedge.
all fun and games
if my trip had been to brazil i reckon i would have risked disappearing into the forest and seek out a lost tribe that walks around naked all day, men go hunting whilst getting wasted on drinking the bones of their fathers in some psychedelic concoction and only visit the womens huts for sex and food.
why oh why did we have to evolve.