I hear you having a lot of snow and cold. In a case your buildings are not build to take cold very much, please if you don't mind may I give few tips to you around there?
WaterDuring cold and when it gets deep to minus temperature it can (and will) freeze the pipes in your house if you don't have any special insulation for them and the pipes go outside "naked" or even too near the inside of a wall. They do not freeze immediately necessarily but possibly at the time when it's getting warmer and the temperature reaches back near to +/- 0 Celsius. So there should be some insulation at least. Few centimetres thick is enough. It should cover the pipe everywhere literally. (Just don't use metal as it can absorb the cold and it gets even colder...) But if the pipes freeze and you'll find out there's not coming warm water at all in your house and you start to heat the pipes, don't heat it with a very hot source or the pipe will break and you'll get a water leak in your house. For a surprise it's actually the warm pipe that freezes first not the cold one. Plus also, if you'll keep water flowing a bit all the time that will prevent a pipe freezing.
Frozen locksYou may face that locks are not working as they freeze (because they're metal). Then you should get VERY hot water put inside a plastic bag. Press the hot water bag against the lock and hold it that way about a half minute or longer.
Snow coverSnow is a good insulation for drainage that runs (too) near beneath the surface. Just push snow on the way the pipeline goes. Snow itself isn't bad it's the cold and how to get prepared for that.
Possibly you don't need these tips, but in a case there's a gonna be more times like this in the future (maybe some drastic change with the weather and seasons during these crazy times?) who knows, and then this kind of things matter a lot for daily life. I'm quite sure there will be more things like this as there have been several times eras of deep froth taking over Russia and north of the States. Just think that it could come to Europe or elsewhere too. There are places in Siberia where temperatures go to -50 C to -70 C almost each year so who knows...
The coldest we had this winter here is -22 C. Now it's -13 C and should get warmer after Sunday.
PS. Not meant to be arrogant or anything, just trying to give a bit of advice if the things'll get nasty.