Author Topic: ACAB...  (Read 1088 times)

Master Ray

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« on: January 30, 2014, 07:31:48 PM »
OK, just taking a deep breath, this could be a messy one...  :P

On a few other threads, I've noticed people using the abbreviation ACAB (possibly in relation to bands I've never heard off, but their sentiment stands).  First off, I'm not having a pop at their beliefs.  Those are folks I've exchanged many pleasant and intelligent words with... you know who you are and all the best to you, truly.

I just hate that expression.  I didn't even know anyone still used it, not since the Miners strike.  If anyone doesn't know, it stands for All Coppers Are Bastards. (Non-UK readers, 'coppers' are policemen or women...)

I'll admit, from the start, that I'm not unbiased.  My old man was a copper (now retired), my mates little sister, who I've known since she was a little girl, is now a 30-year old policewoman and my Mum worked for the police in a secretarial capacity... so I've met plenty of coppers over the course of my life.

And, yes, I'm sure that some of those were 'bastards'. They might not have shown that face to me, but maybe they showed it to others.  I don't know.  But guess what?  There are 'bastards' in every job in the world.  It doesn't matter if you're working in an office, a burger bar or, yes, the police, there are always people who you would describe as 'bastards'...

So, ALL coppers are bastards?  Nope, not in a million years.  You could say that SOME coppers are bastards, which is probably fair... but that would make a tattoo that said S C A B.... hmm, can't see that taking off...

If you've had bad experiences with the police then fair enough... I might look quite normal nowadays, but I used to look a lot more 'freaky' and I had some run-ins with the coppers back then for no good reason... I don't hate them for that.  Nothing truly bad happened... I've had far worse from 'respectable' types, with their trendy shirts and shoes and nice haircuts...

I had a far more angry message ready to go last night (sorry, shit likes this just sticks in my throat) and I'm glad I didn't post it... I'm sure that some of you will post some horror stories and I respect your opinions.

The key words here is ALL coppers are bastards... NMA is a band that preaches individuality and respect for others... and, yes, that includes coppers.

In summary... ACAB is a stupid and offensive term and I ******* hate it.

I might have to run for cover after posting this one...


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 08:04:08 PM »
Firstly M/Ray, thanks for clearing that up for me. I have seen it several times and have not known what it meant.  I thought ACAB was something you got into after a night out.

Secondly, good for you. I have several friends who are Police Officers, and there is a least one full time Officer on this forum.

At the end of the day, its a job, a career, and a difficult, highly regulated, interesting and varied job at that.

Of coarse there are going to be bad Officers, just like any other job or work role. But ACAB, but of a gross generalisation.


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2014, 08:26:40 PM »
I only saw the Slime and 4 Skins songs. Is that it?
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Master Ray

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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2014, 08:53:16 PM »
Heno, apologies if I got the wrong end of the stick.  Your messages just seemed to indicate that you had affinities with the whole ACAB thing.  Is there really a band called ACAB?



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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 09:15:07 PM »
no, there are songs called acab done by slime or the 4 skins

and there are bands called such things as millions or billions of dead cops and the like

I really love a band called against all authority. ska punk with brass in there. a lot of the lyrics refer to police upholding laws that are unjust to the people. they would have songs that would make clear their dislike for cops and the law. same as UK bands like the filaments who have a song called bastard coppers. leftover crack have songs like one dead cop.

a lot of acab reference come from antifa groups too. which is probably as good a movement as there can be. but then it is also used by football ultra groups which really are not nice people.

obviously they represent a moment or a movement and its recalled through the song. not sure any one should find it offensive in that context. and what one person feels hate for another can like. it happens all the time.

its like religion, as long as they don't force their view on us then lets just let it go.

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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2014, 06:59:45 AM »
Master Ray,

I know I was one of those who posted a reference to the song ACAB by the Oi band The 4 Skins in the "Follow that..." thread.

That is all it is/ was a song.

I do not hold with the sentiments or beliefs behind "ACAB" in any way whatsoever. Yes, I did have a run in with The Old Bill when I was a youth but that was 24 years ago and I was essentially breaking the law so I can't really complain about that one can I? I take my two boys to Hough End to see the Police Horses when they have open days and one of them wants to be a police officer. I do have one friend who is a police officer and my father has several who I see around four or five times a year.

I can only speak for myself but the fact is there is a 4 Skins song called ACAB and I posted it because it fitted in with the "Follow that..." theme. There really was no offence intended.


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Master Ray

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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2014, 07:13:06 PM »
Cheers for anyone who got back to me on this one.

Reading it back, I'm realising that I may have over-reacted a bit.  Sorry. 

I just hate that bloody expression!  Red rag to a bull and all of that... I've just re-read all the messages that I mentioned and I can see how I might have mis-interpreted things.  I guess it's a hangover from being bullied as a kid for being a 'coppers little bastard' by older kids with four dots ink-scrawled on their knuckles.  Sorry again.

Feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole thing, quite frankly... we all still pals?



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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2014, 07:46:48 PM »
what? you want us to be pals with the son of a copper?

of course we are mate
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Master Ray

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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2014, 08:13:07 PM »


Just don't get me started about what this coalition government is doing to the NHS... now that IS an epic rant!


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2014, 08:46:16 PM »
or me about how german bonds holders have financially raped the irish tax payer

lets drip feed these topics

its safer at our age
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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2014, 03:16:32 PM »
Hello Ray

No problems. All good here.

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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2014, 10:08:54 PM »
To be honest, I'm glad you brought it up.  Had never heard of ACAB.  And glad to see it was just a misunderstanding and no one on here thinks like that.


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2014, 06:44:43 AM »
No, not all coppers are ba$tards asin the main they do a great job but there's a minority who don't help to restore faith in the system  :( :( :(

Comments and views on this bunch
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2014, 07:01:58 AM »
so, an interesting thought popped into my head and i thought i'd just pop it down here

if the treatment of certain "crimes" or discretionary interpretation of the applying the law is not following the letter of the law then is that corruption?

an example, in ireland, a whistleblower has stood up and said that the entire motoring penalty points system is being used to help people avoid prosecution and fines at the discretion of the police involved. people are being let off because they know a copper. they are being let off because they are a local celebrity etc. etc. etc. if i got caught i would be done there and then and would never get off. it happened recently. but i know police from the same garda station, as high as the local inspector, have interfered on behalf of others and allowed them off with similar or worse crimes. and apparently every copper knows this goes on...........

or coppers go in to certain local bars and drink after hours when their shift finishes. whereas the night before they would have raided certain  bars for ordinary people taking too long to finish up
you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: ACAB...
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2014, 10:29:41 AM »
The Police have discretionary powers on a lot of offenses. Such as urinating in the street. The Officer can choose to ignore it, give a verbal warning, or prosecute. A lot will depend on the Officer, how close they are to the end of their shift , and how full their work book is.
When individual  officers abuse that power as you have illustrated, it does  the Public Image of the Police no favours.