Author Topic: justin & the e-cigarette  (Read 1680 times)


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justin & the e-cigarette
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:38:35 PM »
heya, u know how easy and cool justin looks smoking the e-cig. i wanna get one too.. but i would like to get the same cool cig justin is smoking. can u please help me ? wich brand is it ? cant find anything about a "small enterprise from wales".. well. love to get the answer. yours, wenzlaff.


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 05:42:48 PM »


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2014, 08:27:37 PM »
Uk ecigs for me  :)
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2014, 10:53:46 AM »
Funny thing, I don't ever recall Justin Smoking in the eighties or early nineties. I first recall seeing him smoking in that French interview a few years ago. Did he start late or was I just blind for 15 years?
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 10:56:56 AM by chunky »


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2014, 02:52:09 PM »
Funny thing, I don't ever recall Justin Smoking in the eighties or early nineties. I first recall seeing him smoking in that French interview a few years ago. Did he start late or was I just blind for 15 years?

Maybe it wasn't Justin, but a tough guy called Slade The Leveller?  ;)
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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2014, 09:09:24 PM »
If I ever start doing porn for a living, Justin Smoking will be my stage name...



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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2014, 09:10:09 PM »
I am sure I heard somewhere that Justin starting chuffing when he was 15. If as he says in the related interview,  he has gone onto the e-fags to save his throat for the future, than that is of  great benefit to him, and us all.  :)

Its never too late to stop smoking. When you stop, it takes your body around 15 years to clear out, wash away the life time of tar you have in your lungs. After that, its like you never smoked at all.


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2014, 09:17:40 PM »
I think I've seen him smoking in some old great video or photo.  ??? Maybe it's in I Love The World vid or in the inner sleeve of Vengeance LP? (You know the photo of the trio where Justin had a mohawk...)
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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2014, 09:48:36 PM »
To be honest, the e-cigs are much of a muchness...I know several people who tried different brands and they all seem to work the same...

What pisses me off is that so few pubs let you smoke them!  You're only breathing out water vapour, it can't possibly harm anyone, yet try and have a few drags on one and folks look at you like you're blowing fat cigar smoke right into their faces... and then you usually get told to stop it or get thrown out.

I was a smoker for a lot of years and I appreciate why that would bother some people but c'mon... I don't like many things about pubs (people who bring their kids in after 9pm and let them run around unsupervised, for one) but you don't catch me whining on about it!

Either way, wenzlaff, go for it, you won't regret it.  I can't say that I've completely given up the cancersticks, I'm sort of double-barrelling right now, but I've gone from 20 a day to 20 a week and I'm cutting down further all the time with the eventual aim of getting rid of them completely.  And I'm sure I will.  Good luck.


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 10:22:34 PM »
If the e-cigarette replaces regular cigarettes, go for it.  The sooner the better.  I've always been opposed to smoking, not for any morality thing but for health reasons.  And they smell bad.  Sure enough, watched my dad die of lung cancer last year after 45 years of cigarettes.  I don't recommend it.  Quitting the cigarettes is a good thing, any time, and since nicotine isn't what gives you cancer, if the e-cig works for you, great!

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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2014, 10:18:22 AM »
I'm pretty much in the same boat as Master Ray.

Been using Totally Wicked Ego c for about 5 months but still smoking the fags too (they're time fillers). Seems like the vape is good for replacing the habit/nicotine hit but doesn't work for the "I'm bored" smokes. But I have taken out about two thirds of my cigarette intact which is no mean feat since I've been smoking nigh on 30 years.

I don't get on with the flavours and stick to the Tobacco fluid. I've tried pretty much most things to try and give up over the years and this is the only thing that has even come close - best I ever managed before was 6 weeks.

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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2014, 08:49:33 PM »
OK, has anyone noticed how there seem to be a lot of horror stories in the media about e-cigs nowadays?  Literally in the last couple of weeks?  Like they 'often'  ::) explode and how dogs die if they eat them or whatever...

Hmm, sounds like the wealthy tobacco companies and a government with one eye on how the massive cigarette tax is draining away from them are getting a bit nervous...   ::)

No, it couldn't be the case that these 'newspapers' or, as I call them, 'comics for ******* idiots', are putting pressure on these rags that exist only to put fear into their readers so they will buy another edition to find out what they're supposed to be afraid of TODAY...  apparently, it's giant rats this week, as big as cats and who are chewing through concrete to get at YOU!!!!  Those killer spiders are SO 2013...   ::)

Dammit, I miss the days when immigrants were the worse thing of all!




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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2014, 03:52:24 PM »

Master Ray

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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2014, 06:24:13 PM »

Cool tune, mate... although the ad before the video made me think you were saying that we should all now be terrified of Chris Kamara...  ;D


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Re: justin & the e-cigarette
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2014, 09:16:56 PM »
What irritates me most about ecigs is the blinkered view that theyre somehow like smoking. Knee jerk reaction is to ban them from anywhere indoors. But its fine to inhale exhaust fumes from millions of cars. Go figure.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen