Oh you bunch of light-weights!
I love Robbie Williams "Feel".
There, I've said it.
Sir, I take on board 'Feel' and I raise you 'Advertising Space'...

Id back you both everytime with both of those and add Only You Know Me. Robbie et al did some fab songs. Lost his way a bit in the last couple of years.
I'll never claim to be a fan of Mr Williams, but he does come up with the odd pop music classic. Plus, I saw him on a talk show a few weeks back and he was a pretty funny guy...
True story. At a place I used to work at, some years back, we had a female security guard who did the odd foreigner at big music events... she did a RW gig and met the guy. For all his cocky, arrogant public persona, he turned out to be a really nice, friendly bloke.