There was a thread in one other musical forum where people listed 20 music videos in a chronological order how they got into the band and that type of music. I did too but realized it couldn't never make a brief picture enough about your musical influences. Twenty is just too little amount.
When I think about my past, I can first see a little child going nuts about everything which was rock. Then there was a long dedication to hard rock -> heavy metal -> speed metal -> thrash metal -> death metal -> grindcore, until found the long lasting punk thing which changed it all. From punk & hc I engaged at times to industrial, experimental, noise, jazz, dub and ethno things. All that looks so clear, but I see it still makes some people confused about the scale.
That's life. (A ridiculous) metaphor would be: you could not live only inside the same walls your whole life. You want to see the world and peek a bit over the fence to all directions. Then you understand what you're talking bout and do not take things too seriously.

Often it goes so that things you like extend wider, but nothing is thrown away. Even later on it's possible to explain why something made an affection ages ago although it wouldn't anymore be a huge thing in your life nowadays. With music, there's a good way with the internet to return to something in nostalgy, but I've seen that doing it one or two times in 5 years is maybe enough.