So, we have threads about film and TV and music... but what about books?
I'm a massive reader, have been since I was a kiddie... it's probably why my eyesight is so bad, I spent a lot of time under the bedsheets with a torch when my Mum thought I was asleep...

and I've always got a book on the go, sometimes two...
My personal preferences are non-fiction and autobiographies... that said, I'm going through the GAME OF THRONES books right now... sick of smug people trying to give me spoilers...

What have I read recently? Last book I checked out was a cracking biography of Jim Henson (love me a bit of Muppets!), before that, the autobiography of Suggs, 'That Close', really liked that one, lots of stuff about the Madness days but also what it was like growing up in the 60's / 70's... well worth a read.
I'm not gonna bore you all with a big long list of my fave books ever, but if you read a lot, I'd love to hear what you've been into lately...
I will leave you with a great comedy clip from the brilliant Bill Hicks...