It's some group of religious people where i live who are protesting Homosexuality and wishing to "cure it". They are trying to shove their beliefs down the throats of others. If you say any thing against it, they then begin to judge you and claim that "You need Jesus". They actually have banners and signs and their kids are with them too. 
I tried and tried to resist diving into to this one but I'm sorry everyone............. I couldn't

Everyone has the right to their own opinion and in a civilised society everyone has the right to express it on an equal basis to everyone else. What nobody has the right to do is ascribe a superior value to their opinion over anyone else's or to impose their opinion on anyone else.
The people you are talking about use a dogma to justify their own bigotry and fear. Cowards who are scared of anyone outside their narrow minded worldview and experience, they use a twisted version of a sacred text, prophet or whatever to justify vilification of any given difference (and to clarify I am not singling out any religion here pretty much all the major world religions have their own extremists). It re-affirms their beliefs, makes them feel better about themselves and better than someone else. It's ******* pathetic.
Sometimes it's quite good fun to play with these people a bit, so supposing the people Armandistan talks about were Christian then I would calmly listen to what they have to say then respond with something like " Ok I understand what you are saying but could you explain to me then why ordained priests **** little boys up the arse?"
Othertimes, it's more satisfying, but less noble, to respond with something like "Oh **** off back to the caves you ignorant little prick".
Sorry if that offends, it's not intended to, but I have a bit of personal with these sorts of people.