Administration and booking fees on concert tickets
I'm off to see Paul Weller in Scunthorpe on 17th March
Ticket price £38
Cost for 2 = £92.81 including admin fees (£5.13 per ticket) and postage (£6.55)
What admin fees, I booked them personally online on pre sale.
Postage at that extortionate price!!!
I suppose we put up with it if we want to go to these gigs.
Still boils my piss though especially when I ordered 6 tickets for the upcoming NMA Wakefield gig at £20 each
Payment handling fee was 6p per ticket, yes only 6pence!!
So if a small venue can do it like that why the f**k do large venues and ticket agencies see the need to rip us off.
Should be outlawed.
Rant over
Off t' bed now just got in from a night shift