Today I got so pissed of that my I could have sworn my blood pressure shot to the roof.
At work, we are being worked to death. Then I have one moment where I don't pay perfect attention and my co-worker uses it to his advantage. He told me in front of everyone that I was cleaning in a stupid way. He subjected me to public humiliation. They he went in to more detail about it.
Honestly, I can't focus on many things. I had even taken adderall that day so my focus was better and it's still not good enough. Then he says that I always make excuses. Well, how is telling my manager that i won't lift 3/4 my weight over my head because last time it hurt my entire body?
I am so tired of this country treating workers one step above slaves. All i can do is sleep on my off days. My co-worker walked out yesterday and I may follow. If you treat me like a piece of shit, Why should I give a notice when i leave? They can abuse some other poor worker, I (and most) others are done.
Why can't we have unions? The Germans and French go on strike to get less than 40 hours a week and more than a living wage. Americans don't go on strike if they are forced into 40 hours plus 30 overtime and only make enough to live slightly over poverty. If that even. For one of the most "so-called" developed nations in the world, they certainly treat their worker's like dirt.
I am tired of working for a company who does not care if their employees live or die. Why do I have to be cursed with being born in a country 100 years behind on human rights?