That's another thing that annoys me, these folks like the One Direction fella (who, I hear, quit the band) who chase celebrity and then whine about it when it happens. Now don't get me wrong, I can appreciate how the pressures of extreme fame and constant media attention can be disturbing... photographers following you around, every slip-up you make being in the public eye, your heartaches thrown out as 'entertainment'... I'm not being sarcastic here, it can't be easy!
But then again, people like this are paid VERY handsomely for it, they get to **** their way around the world in the kind of luxury that most of us can only dream about, their every wish is catered for and for... what? Shaking your arse in front of squealing little girls for an hour or two?
Make these total asshats work in a grim factory or call centre for a year, making dreadful money and being treated like shit from people who probably have even less talent than they do, as many people their age are forced to do because of lack of other options... I guarantee that they'll be BEGGING to be famous again!