Camerons big speech today, basically taking a comment by Corbyn WELL out of context and accusing him of being a terrorist supporter...
I suppose he had to do something pretty big to divert from the whole 'dead pig shagger' thing... but, wow, this was a new low...
I was in Manchester last Friday and the whole 'ring of steel' thing around the conference centre, complete with snipers on roofs aimed at the general public... 
Evening MR
Well the security had to be there because of the constant and quite intimidating protesters. Yes I've been in Manchester this week as well. Loud and threatening protesters that were not present at the Labour and Liberal conferences. So much for Jeremys "be nice" edict.
As for the dead pig thing that keeps being mentioned. I don't know whether it is true, and neither do you. However it seems unlikely. If you buy Private Eye this week, look at their article on it discussing Elisabeth Oakshott who surprise surprise is the daughter of venal Lord Oakeshott failed politician and backstabber supreme. Add Lord Ashcroft to it, a man refused grace and favour he believed he could buy and a fair person would conclude the account is probably bollocks, like or loath Cameron. Read how Elisabeth Oakeshott has admitted there is not a scrap of truth in it, but it made good PR.
This may surprise you but I agree with JC that we need to stop the ya-boo politics. Me, I like some evidence for assertions, whoever it is about. You rightly castigate Cameron for his unfounded comments on Corbyn, but do the same to Cameron?