This has happened twice. Two turkish men talked to me. I accepted a coffee and tea. then they start trying to kiss me with no permission. Yesterday, I thought one wanted to be friends. I took a motorbike ride with him and all was fun. Then he starts kissing me and he placed my hand on his erection and told me I was beautiful.
I get that it's a different culture and to some western girls are easy but Christ. Why can't they accept that I do not want to have sex with someone I knew for an hour or two? I am disgusted. It's beginning to turn me off of men completely. If I am attracted to someone, I am attracted to someone. If not and they force me, I find it repulsive.
I am lucky, I was not raped. If i think about it, It's sexual assault. I said i did not want sex or even to be kissed He still did. In the past five years this has happened four times. One was pure assault and near rape, the next was a stalker, the next a x-friend, the next a Turkish man. Why can't men just not force women to do any sexual acts?
Sorry to hear about that Amanda... hope you're OK...
But... there's always a 'but' with me, isn't there...

Now, before I go on, I would never never NEVER go down the whole 'asking for it' route, never in a million years, no matter how this post starts out so please stick with me...
But... you have mentioned on another post that you sometimes struggle to 'read' people. Yet still you travel to countries you don't know all that much about and take people you meet on face value. I admire your faith in humanity, honestly.
But girls travelling abroad have had much worse happen to them for much less. Again, I am NOT blaming you. those were horrible things to happen. But how long exactly did you know this guy before you agreed to go for a trip into the mountains with him? What's up there, how far is it to get back... who could help you in something bad happened?

Girl, I think you need to grow some armour. Sorry, that's the 'tough love' bit I've posted to you several times before. You said that you recognise that some foreign men think that Western girls are easy... God knows these men have probably seen too many US movies where, apparently, all young women want to **** all the time (not excusing that viewpoint for a single second)... but you seem to ignore that little bit of simple sense?
I do worry about you, which is why I'm posting this. Sorry our paths haven't crossed yet! But, please, be safe. And once again, it ain't your fault. The worst thing you could be accused of is naivety. There are much worse things than that.