@ Idopas: Best wishes to recover soon
I`m older than 46 - sometimes it is hard getting older and only a few lucky ones have no health problem at all (and I have a lot of these nasty problems)

Snuff - is that a kind of a joke?
If snuff is (translated) Schnupftabak - my granny thought, it would help people with "Schnupfen" or not getting it.
"Schnupfen" is having a cold, fever, a running nose - and she thought, it`s ok (she or I) use it

Snuff (for the nose) never had something to do for me with a real ciggy ...
Snuff (my translation) is Kautabak? That`s really something else - perhaps that works, if you want nicotine and are not allowed to smoke - never tested to put this in my mouth and chewing or storing it somewhere under my tongue - ggrrrr ; that was something for hard working or drinking man on a low level in my youth, spitting on the ground inside a pub or on the bordwalk ...
Still prefer my self rolled ciggies (knowing that`s not good) ...