what pisses me off is..
Having extrasystoles! since January almost everyday :/
For those who dont know what an extrasystole is, the heart that misses a beat and it feels very strange in the chest.. it feels like the heart was jumping
I went to see a cardiologist because my father had his 1st cardiac problems at 46.
I'm 45.
Extrasystoles scared me and i couldnt sleep at all at night and sometimes because that woke me up. (it disappeared for a few weeks but last night that woke me up)
I had a few exams. My heart is sane, I also had an Holter, a little machine who record the beats of my heart.
Results: 1068 extrasystoles and I only felt 95

Apparently nothing serious and it's not alarming, according to the cardiologist but after the Holter results she prescribed me a drug which is for the people who have cardiac insufficiency.
That's not my case. I dont have any symptomes for cardiac insufficiency.
Extrasystoles= arrhythmia
I dont think i'll take this drug... that can be worst.
When I see my father who must take 11 drugs each day ...
I just have to not focus on my heart, walk and being less anxious.. everybody got extrasystoles but some persons dont feel them at all and for others it's a real nightmare