OK. Just found this out and it's PROPER fooked me off.... 
There is now a street, in my hometown, that is named after my beloved Grandad. A new build of houses that are well into six figures.
My Grandad was a war hero, an MBE and much commemorated by the Royal British Legion for decades of service. A man far too modest to ever say what he did in WW2, he always said he was just a clerk, but you don't get an MBE just for pushing some papers around...
So this might be a tribute? Nope, because NOBODY in our family were consulted or were even aware of it! I only found out tonight whilst googling my Grandads name in regards to something else... sounds like these fuckin' property developers just wanted a name to stick on their immensely expensive 4-bedroom houses and came up with him, because he was a respected figure and all.
My Grandad didn't go through the horrors of WW2 just so some cuntwomble property developers could nick his name and bestow some credibility on their shit houses!
Utterly fuckin' fuming about this and you'd better believe I'm gonna kick up a shitstorm about it...
OK... just in case any of you are interested in the resolution of this thing I've been banging on about (please feel free to click past this...)

Several phone calls have been made and returned today and it appears that The Royal British Legion put my Grandads name forward for inclusion in the concept of 'naming a street after him' a couple of years ago, but somehow neglected to tell us, the family. They apparently forgot about it. It appears that the local council subsequently just picked the name at random without telling the RBL. And now we have, yes, 'Ernest Cope Road'...
Still not totally happy about the whole thing, I think our family should have been informed, but fair enough, I can't get angry with the Royal British Legion, they do so much good work with old soldiers and my Grandad stood on the street selling poppies well into his 80's...
So, yeah, nice to have a resolution to something that pissed me off.