At least he has the balls to stand up and say something., what's the rest doing . The Labour party is a fckn shambles. Are u happy with our future pm with his watermelon smiles letter boxes n put in gettoes n exterminated quotes
I can get up and say something...doesn't take much I assure you!

Yes the Labour party are a joke. No Im not happy with our future pm. And while we are at it, the Liberals, who I would like to vote for, are a wishy washy bunch of prats led currently by "Sir" Vince "stab em in the backs" Cable. The Greens are rabid socialists dressed up in green camouflage, the Brexit Party have no policies except one, UKIP...well I won't even waste my breath! Looks like my next vote (I always cast a vote as people died to give us that vote), will be writing "none of the above" or wiping myself on the ballot paper!