Author Topic: Spirit of Football & New Model Army " The Beautiful Game"  (Read 466 times)


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Spirit of Football & New Model Army " The Beautiful Game"
« on: May 30, 2014, 02:23:35 AM »
Just a thought, has anyone else watched BBC Match of the Day match highlights or goal compilations, and noticed they play some  really good, often Rock or Alternative music  to accompany it ?

Occurred to me that the new NMA song, The Beautiful Game would be perfect for playing along side highlights of the World Cup coverage. 

Doubt very much anyone in the production team of MOTD would have heard about the song, so I sent the following through the BBC contact page --

                   New Football song to recommend for accompanying​g MOTD World Cup highlights
Hi, you may not be aware of the new  song by the band, New Model Army written for "The Spirit of Football" Fine song with an ideal  pace and football related chorus for the forthcoming MOTD World Cup highlights. Worthy to note, the band has a large following in Brazil. Song can be heard here, and more details.

Thought if a couple more of us did the same, someone may take note.

Yes, I know it is most probably a waist of time, but you never know. At least now when watching the World Cup, and listening to background music, I can console myself with -- well at least I tried.  :)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Spirit of Football & New Model Army " The Beautiful Game"
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2014, 05:43:03 PM »
Who knows Shush, - may help. That's at least 2 emails they've had now anyhow.
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't