Have you seen THIEF Master Ray?
If you love HEAT i guess you will love THIEF...it's a kind of same story and characters, and it offers a great James Caan performance and a brillant Tangerine Dream soundtrack...an excellent, masterful first theatrical movie for Michael Mann.
THE KEEP is one of my fave horror movies ever... great cast and a brilliant Tangerine Dream soundtrack...
It's a fascinating unique film, even if it a bit rushed in places (the studio producing it butchered it, and Mann didn't have the "final cut")...i was lucky to catch a theatrical screening of "The Keep" in Paris a few years ago during Mann's tribute at la Cinémathèque...it was great! (i also saw on the big screen there "The Jericho Mile", "Thief", "Manhunter" and "The last of the mohicans")
Here's an haunting scene of "The Keep":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3F9cpL-a6AAnd here's the great and very rare soundtrack!:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VPKs1Io7A0 LAST OF THE MOHICANS... probably one of my top five films ever. Just perfect on every level.
It's a beautifull made film but maybe not among my fav from Mann.
But this ending scene on the cliff...WOW!!!!
The wordless showdown between the beautiful Alice/Jodhi May and Magua/Wes Studi, before Alice falls to her death, is just UNFORGETTABLE!
MANHUNTER... far better than the remake, RED DRAGON, and personally I think that Brian Cox (no, not the scientist fella!) is way better than Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector... BTW, you seen that HANNIBAL TV show? Worth a look...
I haven't seen the HANNIBAL tv show Master Ray but MANHUNTER is probably my favourite Mann film...it's a tense, disturbing haunting movie, and brillantly acted especially by William Petersen and Tom Noonan.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djAhwNzf8QsThe scenes between the killer and his blind girlfriend are among my favourites of Mann's career...the 80's soundtrack is very good too:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnunwrqPw_oand HEAT is just terrific. Possibly the best shoot-out scene ever.
Brillant film indeed, and what a casting!! (De Niro, Pacino, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Ashley Judd..)
ALI... well, how the hell do you make a boring film about Muhammed ALi?
I think it is a very good film, a bit underrated...many thrilling moments in this film, among others the fight scenes and the awesome opening montage:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STDo6Z5YJa4COLLATERAL and PUBLIC ENEMIES were OK, but I feel no need to watch either of those films again...
COLLATERAL is great, maybe Tom Cruise's best performance and Mann's direction and the cinematography are as usual wonderful!
Gorgeous looking film on the big screen, the way Mann shows us L.A. at night is stunning...
PUBLIC ENEMIES...i have to rewatch it soon...The film's screenplay and storytelling are a bit uneven but i overall liked it, especially the last half hour (Dillinger's demise)
Worst of all is MIAMI VICE... utterly shit-awful. I remember enjoying that show in the 80's, good fun and all that... this movie had a Crockett and Tubbs who didn't seem to like each other very much and trudged their way through a dull storyline... it's like a version of The A-Team that had the five of them as dreary alcoholics who stared daggers at each other for two hours... 
It's a flawed film for sure but overall i thought it was more than decent...i like the dry tone, the almost documentary storytelling and Gong Li's character.
That ending scene was beautifully done, i liked the use of the Mogwai's song...moving:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtfkymtavUEI am not that interested in film-makers but "The Insider" was a damn good film.
I think THE INSIDER is probably Mann's most accomplished direction, the way the film creates tension and paranoid mood is brillant.
And it is Russell Crowe's finest hour, probably his best performance.