What do you think
Oh Guillaume – you poor deluded boy. What have you done?

What on earth possessed you to come back and ask me questions about words? I just heard the whole board groan.

But you asked a lot of questions so I'm sorry everyone (he did ask and now I've got an excuse to go !!! - and I wish there was an evil grin emoticon to put in here).
Now's the time to hit back button because......
A general point first: you said “i can somewhat relate to this very personal song, the song speaks to me.”. This is the genius of Mr Sullivan's lyrics. To me, you don't have to be able to identify with the literal interpretation of the story being told. The vitality and quality of the words lets you FEEL the emotions and thoughts, and if you can feel it then you can remember things in our own life that made you feel that way and so you can relate. Obviously the full power of NMA is the marriage of words and music but we're talking lyrics so I've set the music aside. Finally on this point I wouldn't presume to have a clue what the genesis behind the words are – all this old crap is just my wordy IBS.

High – A reminder to keep a sense of perspective and place in the world. Getting a bit “over-wrought”? Getting a bit wrapped up in your woes? Well climb a hill look out and remember that actually we're just pissy little atoms on a rock spinning around in a universe far bigger than we can truly get our heads round. We ain't that important. From down at the bottom of the hill where we live our lives we don't get to see all the other “angles of vision”. For every angle there's another 359 at least. Get over yourself.
Home – Barring 2 songs I don't often listen to NBTS. Not because I don't like it – I love it, it's special. But to appreciate it I have in be in the right frame of mind and the right place to....... sort of sink into it, for me it's not music to wash up to if you get what I mean? So I haven't listened to Home for a while but I'm about to (4.59 minute pause), so: well that bears out my point entirely. Listen alone, in peace and quiet and it's very heart-wrenching but there is hope. From outside of ourselves, somewhere in the chaos we live in someone cared. Enough to take “Chris” in. Maybe the true value in what we do is when we do a random kindness to a stranger. That's what I just took.
Dawn – Faith, hope, love, triumph. In the blackest of black places somewhere there is a light and if you find it and can hold on to it during the night you'll see the sun come up. Seems that Children were the light for the person these words were about. This is the only direct personal experience in this post I think – the only thing that stopped me was my Son. Dawn - the most gorgeous wonderful thing this world has to offer. Seeing the sun rise. Perfect.

I'll finish this with a back at ya' – Changing Of The Light. One of my top 3. What do you take from that song?