Author Topic: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)  (Read 1735 times)


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watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:27:54 AM »
I have been on this entire October tour and have seen an annoying increase in cameras smartphones. I am not talking about taking a few photos but taking pictures for the entire gig. They often push their way to the front and act entitled. They then post their photos on Facebook while the band is playing.  What is even the point of coming to a gig is obnoxious and makes the gig not as enjoyable for those around it.

 yesterday in Stockholm, was the worst by far. It was even so bad that Justin said that he would kick the camera out of a man's (,with a long lens camera) hand. Frankly they seemed to care more about getting photos and YouTube followers than seeing a gig.

What do you feel about this?
Personally I wish venues would request to not bring long lens cameras unless you have a photographer pass.
Or the rest of the audience would give them so much shit they will stop.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 09:10:52 AM »
ive never had a problem with a long lens camera but cameras at gigs really piss me off. And i-pods FFs. If you are behind someone holding up an iPod you can't see a thing! If you really have to film, go upstairs or stand at the side.

It's always nice to see pictures but not at the risk of ruining the gig for others.


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2014, 09:41:08 AM »
Pisses me right off. Luckily not too much at NMA gigs because the vast majority of people there are older (like me) and want to really experience the evening with their senses and emotions not through a phone. I thinks it's all part of the obsession that people seem to have with proving they've done stuff and getting the souvenir.  A memory is worth far more than a photo but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!  The most annoying instance was when I saw Paradise Lost and Lacuna Coil there was a couple of girls in front of us with their ipads and watching something else on the ipad and talking about it while the bands were on and then taking a photo every now and then - I mean what is the point of going? And while I'm on a rant about shit behaviour at gigs the fools at Southend who stood and talked loudly all the way through Knievel, what was that about?
I stopped going to festivals because I think the amount of people who go who care about the music has declined and been replaced by an increasing amount of people who go to get completely wasted and behave in a way they couldn't at a club/pub without getting bounced and who talk through all the music. God I'm a grumpy old man today  >:(
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2014, 01:34:46 PM »
Totally agree about experiencing the gig which you don't if you're stood like a tool with your iPhone at shoulder height getting gig filmers cramp in your arm.

I do like watching other people's videos of gigs I have been to, but happy to see a coupla songs not the whole bloody thing.

I think it's sad and as for the people who talked thru Knievel at Chinnerys they were p1ssing everyone off.

The phone recording thing is a sad sign of the times and a lack of respect for live music and ultimately for performers.

The guy who got his mobile smacked outta his hand by JS at Gillingham at coupla years back after he shoved it a foot from his face while performing found out how the band feel about it.

It's just discourteous and does make you wonder why the hell they bothered turning up.

Live music should be lived and loved in the moment, ideally after a decent quantity of alcohol.

Phones at gigs? Ditch em, there"s seriously enough You Tube footage of NMA to see us all out!

« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 01:37:42 PM by Pazza »
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 02:28:05 PM »
Totally agree --Smart phones --Dumb people
Seriously i don't mind people taking the odd picture or video from the side of the floor or a balcony.
There are thousands of nma pictures on the net most way better than any of us could take.
I seriously surprised that people got away with talking through a song without being told to shut the Fck up.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 03:30:25 PM »
Gagging orders needed all round for these people ;D
Clever monkeys with technology, barely outta the caves and trees, it's all vanity - and ch@os rules it all!


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2014, 03:47:50 PM »
Do find it annoying seeing all the little glowing screens pointing toward the band, but have to confess, I usually search U-tube the next day to see what has gone up.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2014, 05:39:44 PM »
Pretty much in agreement with everyone else. A couple of photos as a souvenir is fine, constantly filming and recording is just a pain in the arse to everyone else. Even worse is when they get uptight for being knocked or someone "gets in the way" WTF is that about? And the bright screens out of the corner of your eye really do get on my.........  >:(

For the life of me I don't understand why someone would fork out for a ticket and then spend the gig not looking, listening or Feeling but staring into a poxy little screen. Do us all a favour and stay at home. A few pics, the odd video fine (after all we all do look for them the next day  ::) ) but a bit of discretion, consideration and moderation for everybody else in the place might be a nice idea to embrace.

JS ( & DW) at Gillingham at coupla years back

Puny P.A. but excellent gig that - hometown gig for me, used to watch mates bands play on the same stage years ago.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2014, 06:47:26 PM »
Ed : Do you own a video camera?

Renee Madison: No. Fred hates them.

Fred Madison: I like to remember things my own way.

Ed: What do you mean by that?

Fred Madison: How I remembered them. Not necessarily the way they happened.

From the David Lynch movie 'Lost Highway'.  I couldn't agree more.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2014, 09:21:56 PM »
Nuff' said - nicely done Master  8)
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2014, 01:24:48 PM »
A memory is worth far more than a photo but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it! Live music should be lived and loved in the moment, ideally after a decent quantity of alcohol.
YES! You said it all. People don't pay much attention to what's happening on stage any more! Back in 1999, in Poland, John Zorn refused to start playing until all the photographers left the front of the stage. His words were something like this: "We're here to play not to be photographed! I don't care what the colour of your ******* hair is. We won't play until you get the **** outta here! We're New York Jews, motherfucker!" He and his band Masada played in São Paulo, Brazil, and he actually spat at a guy with a camera right in front of me!
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2014, 10:35:12 AM »
[...] Back in 1999, in Poland, John Zorn refused to start playing until all the photographers left the front of the stage. His words were something like this: "We're here to play not to be photographed! I don't care what the colour of your ******* hair is. We won't play until you get the **** outta here! We're New York Jews, motherfucker!" He and his band Masada played in São Paulo, Brazil, and he actually spat at a guy with a camera right in front of me!

I've seen John Zorn's Masada live at Tampere Jazz Happening in -94 too. Then he suddenly told to the audience just to "f**k off and go home". He is, you know kind of a "bad boy" among jazz scene. ;)

But to the point, I agree if there's a lot of flash lights of the camera it is a problem. The use of flash is somewhat unnecessary (unless you're a real photograph artist and know what yer doing) because of the light show at the state. The use of flash "kills" the real lights and shadows how they "interact". It's surely quite annoying for a band member to watch a sudden flash in front of them. If the band hires a photographer to take PRO photos of the band in action at the state that's not the same thing.

However I agree with Pol in that an odd photo or two from concerts is not a problem.
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2014, 09:45:11 AM »
Bad boy in the jazz scene literally made me laugh out loud  ;D
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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2014, 06:23:47 PM »
[...] Back in 1999, in Poland, John Zorn refused to start playing until all the photographers left the front of the stage. His words were something like this: "We're here to play not to be photographed! I don't care what the colour of your ******* hair is. We won't play until you get the **** outta here! We're New York Jews, motherfucker!" He and his band Masada played in São Paulo, Brazil, and he actually spat at a guy with a camera right in front of me!

I've seen John Zorn's Masada live at Tampere Jazz Happening in -94 too. Then he suddenly told to the audience just to "f**k off and go home". He is, you know kind of a "bad boy" among jazz scene. ;)

But to the point, I agree if there's a lot of flash lights of the camera it is a problem. The use of flash is somewhat unnecessary (unless you're a real photograph artist and know what yer doing) because of the light show at the state. The use of flash "kills" the real lights and shadows how they "interact". It's surely quite annoying for a band member to watch a sudden flash in front of them. If the band hires a photographer to take PRO photos of the band in action at the state that's not the same thing.

However I agree with Pol in that an odd photo or two from concerts is not a problem.

When I saw Justin play my hometown, during one of the JSAF shows about a decade ago, he was OK with people taking photo's for the first couple of numbers, but he had to ask folks to cut it out... I can imagine how distracting it must be.  Put it like this, whatever you do for a living, can you imagine trying to do it with someone snapping away a couple of feet away?  IMO, the odd pic is fine but show some respect...

I seem to recall reading about the recent Kate Bush shows... I was made very clear that it wasn't welcome and I think most people went along with it...


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Re: watching NMA gig through a smartphone (is pointless)
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2014, 09:22:20 AM »
at a NMA gif I get half naked and dance like crazy and sweat etc. So for sure I do not stand people like this in general. Last year in Kolln I was with my wogfe who was at the beginning of her pregnnancy and we decided to stay close to a column left side from the stage. I was super quiet compared to the usual and I just couldn help it at least to raise my arms and sing on HIGH. This asshole big huge guy behind me very aggressively pushes my shoulder asking me to stop moving because "he was recording". What????????? I should not even move an arm to a gig or sing because u are ******* recording? The guy was a stubborn piece of shit and I did not want to spoil the whole concert or to fight so I moved somewhere else with my wife where I could dance when I wanted to and where we could enjooy songs together.
To me NMA s music is so "emotional" as Justin puts it, that it is impossble not to sing or move or live teh gig somehow.
Other people can feel free to do the opposite but at least it is good if they do not piss the militia off.