Savigny Le Temple, in Paris suburb...NMA played once there, in 2000, for the release of 'Eight"...15 years ago, wow!!
I hope more french gigs in 2015, please
...and why not in Normandie (Evreux? Caen?) 
Le Trabendo in Paris is also a nice venue for a NMA gig.
yep, Caen will be announced soon also for march, you'll be happy Guillaume
but it's not very easy to come to Caen from south of France 

I guess it is the Big Band Café at Hérouville Saint Clair (Caen suburb), a small, cool venue where i've seen NMA twice, in February 2006 and October 2007...there was really a nice atmosphere in this venue, good memories of gigs!!
I would like to see NMA again in my hometown Evreux too (it's in Normandie too, one hour from Paris by train, if you take the train à la Gare Saint Lazare)...NMA played there once in 1995, at Le Rock dans tous ses états Festival.
Normandie rocks!

but it's not very easy to come to Caen from south of France 
I am sorry for you Patrice

But i guess Paris and the North of France are closer to NMA's hometown, they just have to cross the sea to see us and they are almost in Normandy!