Whoa, didn't want this to be an anti-religion thread. My intention was just looking for thoughts on NMA's reluctance to approach the Islam terror subject. Some here did point out some examples. "Breathing" as a statement on the 7/7 London subway bombings? Hmmm. The song is very vague, but, yeah, maybe. And, yes, "Ten Commandments" does go to Islam and the other major religions. Man, that song is good. Concise verses, fantastic chorus, bass line in the grand tradition of New Model Army basslines...a great song.
Quick point on some of the anti-religion posts. Yeah, it can be used for bad, but there sure are things in religion that can bring peace of mind to someone looking for that calm. Just as a good song, a good book, a good film can edify a person, obviously so can a Holy Book be it the Bible, Koran, or the Torah. I'd say that about 99% of the followers of those religions live gentle good lives. That's not bad. Compare that to fans of Jay-Z. I'd say only about 45% of his followers live gentle good lives. My point: Jay Z is the real devil and scourge on society, not religion.