Author Topic: Let's Admit It, "Dog And Wolf" Will Be Seen As The High Point Of NMA's Career  (Read 1353 times)


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OK, we probably have other New Model Army albums that are favorites, that we like more than "Dog And Wolf." But what I am saying is that when the book is closed on NMA, "Between Dog And Wolf" will be seen as the band's high point.

Are there other albums that have a higher number of  better songs? Yes. Are there other NMA albums that have better bass lines, better guitar work, better lyrics? Certainly.

But any fan who has been buying NMA records for thirty years knows that the boys got lazy. Some of the albums released in the 2000s were just a by the numbers routine. Lazy efforts. Yup, in the eighties NMA were definitely striving for greatness with their albums. 90s they took their foot off the gas a bit, and by the 2000s the band was just mailing it in. NMA albums were just a collection of songs. No cohesiveness, no direction, just a bit of vinyl to be released. NMA became like The Rolling Stones. Wait, you guys released a new album?!? Just play "Satisfaction"/"Green and Grey."

And who could blame the boys. Thirty long years and no nearer home. Be fine with everyone if they just rode off into the sunset quietly with simple album releases. But no, thirty years into their career they come up with their most significant release. Something that could legitimately called a project, a piece of artistic work. Just holding the CD in your hand you can see the work put into it. The album cover is the best in years, the booklet is stupendous (different artwork for each song)...whoa, this ain't no rush job album from the band this time.

And then when you play it......uhhhh, errrr, what the heck is this? And that's what makes it their most significant work. The high point of their career. It is challenging, it is mature, it is brave, it is a f***ing piece of work!

I don't think they'll ever top it in scope. I think the next albums will be back to being just a collection of songs, but who cares now. The band, thirty years into their career, gave us a masterwork. A real effort. A brilliant album. Good for them.


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*shakes head and walks away *


  • Totally Obsessed
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Like Brian DC said. >:(
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


  • Totally Obsessed
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Here we go again ;D ;D
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


  • Guest
The next NMA album with be the best album ever in the history of music. It will sound like Angels clearing their throats, and read like the tablets Moses came down the mountain with.


  • Totally Obsessed
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Every day a new comedy gem however as they say on Dragons Den, I'm out.  ::)


  • Totally Obsessed
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 "the 2000s the band was just mailing it in. NMA albums were just a collection of songs. No cohesiveness, no direction, just a bit of vinyl to be released. NMA became like The Rolling Stones. Wait, you guys released a new album?!? Just play "Satisfaction"/"Green and Grey."

So High, Carnival, Eight and Today Is A Good day are just a collection of songs blah blah blah.

Space I have a serious question for you

Will you ever start a thread or post a comment without any bit of negativity towards the band?

Yes i do know that we're all entitled to an opinion but yet again you seem to want an advserse reaction.

For what reason are you doing this, just get some kicks for your own perverted pleasure.

I wonder if we all ignore you if you'll go away and leave us all in peace.

I honestly think you need to get off your arse and go watch the band live, yes I know you have such a feeble excuse that you can't possibly attend a gig on your own. :) :)

Watching them live and actually feeling the tension and seeing the passion, not just from the band but also the fans may just change your deluded view.

But then again you may just use it so you can it as a comparison then go out and play your far superior versions of the tracks live and say that even your versions are better than NMA live.

Who knows maybe you're right and we're all wrong  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I for one look forward to your forthcoming release like they used to do in the 70's with Tom Jones and the like

Space sings New Model Army

Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


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Brilliant  ;D

I suspect someone here maybe printing that image for their next target practice  ;D


  • Totally Obsessed
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Brilliant  ;D

I suspect someone here maybe printing that image for their next target practice  ;D

Thought you'd like it.

 ;D ;D

Keeps me amused while I'm off work
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • as you travel outwards : travel inwards

You're completely missing the point, and here's why. Justin said it himself when he said NMA will not furrow old veins.
Commercially it sounds like BDAW has hit above the radar and personally, I love it. You're right its a beautiful varied piece of art but musicians do not see it remotely like you. Neil Young oftens cites the pilloried "Trans" as his favourite album. And he should know...

The artist here is NMA and Justin and co are on a journey, they will accept they have succeeded in places and not so in others. When TURNER is viewed in the national gallery his paintings are viewed alone but mainly in the context of his life.

As JS writes the lyrics you should re-visit those albums you find hard work and distance yourself a bit from the fan-NMA view. This is the world according to the artist and where else do you have the sheer variety of subject matter that he has brilliantly bestowed on us.

if you're walking hustler gate or up at market cross, on the summer moors, beneath southbound bridges on the m6 or on the 30 westbound...there is something for all of us in every song. If the melody doesnt immediately grab you read  the lyrics. Good example of this is in LS43. In the key of #F for a start, but the words are sweet genius. I love that song now.

Basically I'm saying view the band as an entity not, buy into his / their world a bit more.

There are many others that you will go back to and think, jees this is pretty f00kin' great...

Bad Harvest
Prayer Flags

I could go on...

And you forgot the mesmeric, Navigating by the stars....(2003)

TXP :) :)

This is where we go to - to the blue of the ocean
On the 30 westbound to the diamond water
Lost out in the white waves - salt purification
Bright eyes and breathless - this is how Love feels


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Belly man
Oh boy...
A screaming comes across the sky


  • Obsessed
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Wow. What reaction to my post of high NMA praise. I've never been to the Motley Crue forum, but I bet those guys there are more open-minded than the folks here.

1. My initial posts here stated that I prefer the early Morrow NMA era over the later stuff. I was crucified for that. "Oh, get out of the past! NMA are better now!" OK, so I post a post here stating that their latest album is their highwater mark. I write a post so full of praise for "Dog and Wolf" that Justin Sullivan himself will print it out and hang it on his refrigerator. I praise NMA's newest album...and I get crucified again by the members here!!! Crucified for liking the early stuff, crucified for liking the latest release. The Motley Crue forum members would never be so schizophrenic.

2. Me go to the  m6? Market Cross? The 30 westbound? The Summer Moors? Hey, I'm a New Yorker. Asking me to go to those insignificant locales is like asking Lionel Messi to go play in a pee wee girls soccer league in South Dakota. Folks, when you've stood on Broadway and Times Square, the m6 is going to look like a dirt pathway.

3. Neil Young says his ridiculed album "Trans" is his best? Well, I agree. "Sample and Hold" is probably the greatest song ever made. "Heart of Gold" or "Sample and Hold"? I'll take that vocoder and savage guitar work over hippy acoustic "Heart of Gold" any day of the week.

OK, folks, so now I am understanding how this forum works. I should prefer the new 2000s stuff over the old, but "Dog and Wolf" isn't as good as the old stuff. Got it, now.

Folks, calm yourselves. I am simply voicing my thoughts on the music of NMA. I am passionate about music. I am passionate about New Model Army.


  • Guest
That's just it -- you didn't state you "prefer", you stated it for a fact, like you have stated other opinions as being fact, rather than your own personal opinion and anyone who disagrees has no ears or brains, followed by personal insults ,,,

Ah what's the use. 

I will say, I have also stood on Broadway , Times Square, and the Yorkshire Moors.  I would rather re-visit the Moors. Natural beauty is more impressive than bright lights. 


  • Totally Obsessed
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As Shush says you always seemed to come across that your opinion is correct and ours didn't matter and how dare we disagree.

Your comments always seem confrontational, even the one above about the M6(especially the Southbound side) ;) ;), you just HAVE to be right don't ya.
Yes it's only a motorway but an historic one at that. Longest, possibly the busiest and the first stretch to open in the UK

If ya haven't ever been on it how can ya comment, i wouldn't comment about Times Square or Broadway as I've never visited.

At least you've kept the forum busy for a while :)

Nowt else to say apart from enjoy yourself on the Motley Crue forum ;D ;D
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


  • Totally Obsessed
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  • Born to mild
Anyone can and will prefer some albums to others. No problem. We're all different. Bandying words like lazy and insignificant about are rude and disrespectful. I will give absolutely anyone the benefit of doubt and a chance that misunderstandings are all too easy. Ive not met anyone on here that wont in the short time Ive been on. However an old saying, well actually I just made up lol, you dont enter someones house and start to redesign it for yourself.

You dont like 90s or 2000's stuff. Fine. Just say you dont like it. Not that its lazy, cos thats derogatory and people will not accept that. If you dont like it, no-one will disagree that you dont, no-one will castigate you for saying you dont like it because say, it doesnt move you. NMA are one very hard working band. So to say a decades work is lazy and going by the numbers will piss people off. Some of your posts are interesting and of relevance. Like Shush says though, when you state opinion as fact or throw negatives around as fact, then it riles people.

And I doubt that any forum would accept someone saying the bands music was lazy or that youd made it better.

Betaris box: my attitude affects my behaviour which affects your attitude which affects your behaviour.

In short, words or behaviour affects others words or behaviour. By all means disagree with everything I just wrote but they are my thoughts and observations and said without any malice or ill will. And I will say no more on the matter.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen