At a stretch id say SB or Carnival. I dont think theyre universally fan favourites, but they fit in with the musical history of the band. Not my personal favourites but I appreciate them for some pretty decent tracks.
Both albums have a bit grown on me over these last years...
"Carnival" i really liked it back in 2005/2006, then i became a bit bored by it especially when the fantastic "High" was released...then i listened to it these last months and "BD 3"..."Red earth", "Too close to the sun", "Another imperial day", "Fireworks night"...very good songs.
"Strange brotherhood"...i didn't like too much first time i bought it, aside from the cool opening song "wonderful way to go"...i found the album overall lacked coherence, punch, too many different styles on it, sometimes clumsy and dull...but then i listened to it again these last years...and "Aimless desire", "Killing", "No pain", "Long goodbye" and especially "Headlights"...fine tracks!
So in every NMA album, even the weakest, there are always gems to be found..