Let's call a spade a spade here. Quit being silly fanboys blindly stating that everything New Model Army does is the best thing on Earth.
Which artist - Justin Sullivan or Katy Perry - over the past five years has created the better song? Answer Katy Perry.
Sullivan's best work over the past five years is "Summer Moors." Nice song.
Katy Perry's best work over the past five years is "Teenage Dream." A stupendous marvel of popular songwriting crafstmanship.
Let's compare:
"Summer Moors":
- moody, but you can't dance to it
- nice lyrics, buy what exactly do they mean
- nobody even knows what a Moor is. A grassy hill? Othello?
"Teenage Dream":
- has a great guitar lick
- has a brilliant throwback lyric that harkens back to classic 50s/60s rock and roll teenage drama angst epitomized in songs like "Teenager In Love" and "Leader of the Pack."
- has one of the greatest, catchiest choruses ever created
Plus I saw Katy Perry sing "Teenage Dream" on "Saturday Night Live" wearing a short cheerleader outfit. I saw Justin Sullivan sing "Summer Moors" on youtube and believe me, Katy's performance was far more entertaining.
I am not kidding around. Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" is better than "Summer Moors" and better than any song that Justin Sullivcan has come up with over these past five years. Be honest for once. You won't be a heretic for saying Perry has come up with the better song in recent years. You'd simply be correct.