Author Topic: war is coming  (Read 987 times)


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war is coming
« on: February 07, 2015, 12:40:26 AM »
conflict everywhere

oppression, depression, obsession

and happiness to order

here comes the war

you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2015, 05:14:08 AM »
The War has already been here for thousands of years. Due to the fact that humans are cruel and make n effort to understand the views of anyone else.

Plus burning, raping, torturing  and beheading people should not go unpunished. And now using children as shields and filming it all?  :'(
ISIS needs to be destroyed. I hope the Jordanians wipe them out.  >:(

 I was completely "Anti-war" before but after recent news I think all extremists need to be wiped out.  Just because your prophet was a genocidal, violent, asshole does not mean that you need to do that.

The majority of Muslims do not take their holy book literally. Just as Christians and Jews don't take the old testament literally. If you think torture, genocide,murder and rape are okay, Then you must have something seriously wrong with your brain.

Sorry about my passion fueled rant.  :-[
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: war is coming
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2015, 01:47:43 PM »
Feels like it don't it Heno,

"The centre cannot hold"

Everything seems stretched to snapping point and just a question of what breaks first and when.
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2015, 03:22:13 PM »
amanda, just make sure you are not so liberal with you opinions when visiting some of the countries on your journeys.

that it anna. stretched to the limit. countries throwing shapes everywhere. big guys looking for an opportunity to flex their muscle in regions that won't impact their society. and merkel and hollande trying to get things sorted before their EU falls apart.

sometimes i can't filter out the bs because of all the noise.
you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: war is coming
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2015, 07:08:32 PM »
Everyone is just sticking plasters over gaping wounds. Too many vested interests, too much money, too much pressure. None of them can get off the ride – it's going too fast now.

“A will without a face”

We're over loaded with noise, trouble is the truth is in the noise alongside the bs – which is self-interest and disinformation masquerading as truth.

Everyone's shouting but while we listen nobody really hears.

Mad Max here we come.
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2015, 07:29:07 PM »
its fairly telling that the french and germans went to moscow and said this is the last chance saloon. fairly sure they've been told to knock russia into line or it will move out of their hands. can't see any other reason than that

and there are things stirring in the middle east. yemen is under pressure. looks like the gulf and horn of africa are the getting out of hand. meanwhile in america a bloke captured before 911 has been saying he we was funded by saudi royalty. not dissimilar to bin laden.

terrorist attacks in australia

in france

where next?

hostages being killed and videos shared all over the world

horrific scenes being broadcast everywhere with no censorship

apparently china and north korea and the worlds best hackers

there is a war going on for your mind. give it a listen

you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2015, 08:04:20 AM »
amanda, just make sure you are not so liberal with you opinions when visiting some of the countries on your journeys.

Luckily, I am not visiting Syria or Pakistan. And I think if i visit Jordan, they will agree. As they are going to fights until they "Run out of bullets and fuel".

ISIS wanted burning that pilot alive to play on the world's emotions. It has worked. Anyone with a human heart would feel something after hearing of that. He was 26 and so am I. It's one of the saddest things ever to turn on the news and hear.

Human beings are terrible. I can get very angry at people but the thought of hurting them never once comes to mind. It's hard to understand how anyone can come up with these ideas to torture in such a horrible manner.

I have read that they are using mentally disabled kids as suicide bombers. Who the hell even thinks about doing that? 

These are evil, disgusting people.

Human beings can be se cruel. Nobody makes any effort to understand anyone different than themselves.
Frankly, I feel like throwing up at the moment, I am so upset and disturbed by the recent tortures. 

We had no idea exactly what Hitler was doing. However we know what ISIS is doing because it's all on film. Why can't "The leaders of nearly every country in the world" get together to stop this?   I get why sort of. They don't want their own people to die, to kill innocent people in Syria or Iraq, and it will hurt the economy.

I think that most people find this disturbing and are over-all good. There are many people that do wonderful things. I don't think that humanity is hopeless. In times of crisis are actually when you see the power of human kindness.
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Re: war is coming
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2015, 10:34:07 AM »
The Jordanians are reported as wanting to crucify and hack off the limbs of the people who murdered the airman, because their holy book says it is a just punishment.

The cycle of violence needs to be broken. People need education, not holy books. We all need to be able to think for ourselves instead of being led like sheep.

It's a terrible, terrible thing when you can see that the perceived solution is exactly part of the problem.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: war is coming
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2015, 06:56:55 PM »
Religious conflict is just one strand of the fusewire. It is a historical fallback kindled back into life because options for the 99% are so limited in this global capitalised world. To focus on that alone is to ignore the other fizzing wires.

Keep people desperate and they will reach for desperate extremes.  It would behove all of us in the western world to look at what's been done in our name.

If we want to understand and seek resolution then it's about ******* time we looked with open eyes and open ears.

I excuse no-one or nothing: Murder and Depravity is just that however you dress it up.

But holier than thou never solved anything.

Didn't someone once say that it all "depends on angles of vision" ?

Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't

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Re: war is coming
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2015, 08:02:19 PM »
Between religious intolerance and Mother Nature getting pissed off with us self-important little insects that are scurrying about this planet... I truly believe that the human race has less than a couple of generations before we're all wiped out...



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Re: war is coming
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2015, 08:19:26 PM »

Luckily, I am not visiting Syria or Pakistan. And I think if i visit Jordan, they will agree. As they are going to fights until they "Run out of bullets and fuel".

i'm really not sure you can limit the places where freedom of speech doesn't prevail to just those places. europe is such a diverse place you have to be careful no matter where you speak and express an opinion.

and the far east too.

in fact just about everywhere

sorry to labour the point but tension is everywhere and division very apparent.

take care.
you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: war is coming
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2015, 08:45:23 PM »
tension is everywhere and division very apparent.

Truth - and in there lies the answers. If we were but enlightened enough to look.
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Re: war is coming
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2015, 08:46:58 PM »
The world is certainly in a right mess, i certainly don't know the answers or understand all the reasons. Most of here lived through the cold war years when the threat of nuclear wipeout was always threatened, i believe that some of the conflicts will be resolved, some won't and others will start. Not sure just how big a threat isis and other religious extremists are to day to day life here in the uk, are they more a threat than say the ira were.
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Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred Intolerance Everywhere
Not Vengeance  -  Punishment  !


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2015, 11:39:47 PM »
Got to get off the island!!!!
the pilot was murdered as an act of vengeance. His bombs would have burned people. I support none of this.


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Re: war is coming
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2015, 11:48:23 PM »
 I was a baby at the end of the cold-war I believe. Was the worse of the cold war ended by 88 (birth year) ?

 I had felt safe until the 9/11 bombings. I was 12/nearly a3  and at school and everyone was forced to sit under their desks and the news was on and everyone was really scared and their was a lot of panic and crying. I then realized that the world is not safe and that people could be truly evil. I remember that very well.

I know that the Ukraine and Russia are no longer safe. Parts of Europe such as London and Paris have been targeted. People from Belgium, France and other countries have gone to join ISIS. I also know the ISIS was once part of Al Qaeda, They disowned them, and now ISIS are even worse.

For a religion to be sited as "The religion or peace"  the Quran is a very violent book. 
They still stone homosexuals to death in some of these countries. I can't imagine how being gay feels if simply being yourself means death.

I can't really bring myself to watch much news. It's always bad, nothing good is ever reported. Such as a small child drops her toy into lake and fully clothed teenager jumps in and fetches it making her stop crying and smile. People do good things all of the time and the media could care less.

I do get your point Peternotbaldyet and agree. I think emotions too often fuel anger and vengeance. This is not what civilized human being should be acting.

Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.