Thank you. Are you saying your name here was "beard"? I remember the other names you mention. I keep in touch with a few from those old days off of the board.
Yea, I actually did write only about 80-150 messages during 2007-2009, having some pauses, but read the on-going topics quite frequently. Then again in 2010 I stayed for an half year. In 2013 I logged again and here we are. Until now I think I've "learned" to know some of the people somehow better, although I remember some old names well (Ottodeth, Ingo, Nietsche, 8, Darkness, Semmelknödöln, ian@leeds, Rob, Simon, welsh_beard, Fransson, Mia, SF, Dreamer, Stompy, basilcat, NickyG, Marloes, jsyirish, Stoney, etc. etc.) and have met some of them. Today I feel it's not just a "social media" for me to read with all the fun or something, but really feel I can be my own self here too. And what comes to upsetting(?) posts in the old days; I think I was once too curious about posting rumours in good or bad intent about some bands belonging somehow to NMA or something. Later on realised it possibly didn't feel good for someone there. We all change and learn...and get older.

Btw, I was thinking the same that what were all the different names, nicknames, you all have had here earlier..?
Oh, boy, I'll create a new topic about it in everything else.