ahhhhh no. Thank you though. They played here that year on the same weekend as Thanksgiving Holiday and I went to see my friends in New Mexico that long weekend and drove back Monday - the day after your video and the day they played a full show in Hollywood. Its a 12 hour drive and I didnt make it back in time. I remember that well - was very disappointed. Thats the only year I missed them during those years they came.
No, the show I was referring to was just Justin, Joolz, and the kid from that band they were helping out (cant remember the name). 2007 or 2008, maybe 2009? It was in a little one room "art gallery" of sorts down in Long Beach. We all just sat on the floor. It was the only time I have ever seen Joolz in person.
A certain guy here with a crazy German (maybe its not German - what do I know) user name might be able to shed some light on this.

Thanks for opening up old wounds though.

Seriously - thanks