This was an interesting thread taken down by the petty and inappropriate comments of a select few. Pity. I thought it was an interesting thread.
Pete, Huw, Space et al stop this pathetic bickering. Stop it now. I will not be giving another warning.
now admittedly I have not really been an active part of this board in a long time - and it definitely has changed, but I find it interesting the short memory of the board as I remember back in the mid 2000s this SAME thread (and after a couple pages Joolz got on here scolding everyone for making such comments about the music on the home site of the band - and basically deemed it inappropriate for this board. Not that I disagreed with her arguments at all...
What is also interesting is, after many gigs here in the states - watching (and being a part of) everyone hanging before and after the shows to say a few words to Justin and the boys (whoever happened to be around), and I cant imagine any of these people here EVER entertaining THIS conversation in the physical presence with the band members , but if I remember correctly Joolz likened this type of thread to something of this board being THEIR home and asking if you would really step into the home of NMA without considering how your comments might feel for them to read in their own "home".
Now, that was back in a time people really didnt get banned (that I remember and I was here a lot) (or even warned about it) nor was the board censored like it is now, and there was LOTS of heated debate about a great many things...but it was not uncommon for Joolz to come around and scold people here and there and even JS did the same on rare occasion.
Im not for censoring anything or anyone on a board like this (just my opinion) as I feel the crowd can self regulate well enough and no one is physically fighting, and thats a conversation for another thread...but I have to say despite that opinion, I am surprised that this type of thread of discussing the "worst NMA songs" is now a lot more welcomed and entertained here than it was 10 years ago, though, any general heated debate (among a very passionate crowd) is not.